Memory loss for 30 years, suddenly completely recovered when viewing news reports about COVID-19

A Chinese immigrant worker who lost his memory in 1990 suddenly recalled his homeland after watching a news report of the corona virus outbreak.

30 years ago, Zhu Jiaming, a young man in the southwestern province of Guizhou, left his hometown to work in a central province of Hubei. Unfortunately, in the same year (1990), he suffered a serious labor accident that resulted in traumatic brain injury and long term memory loss.

In addition, Zhu Jiaming also lost his identity documents, thus unable to identify his hometown. Zhu lived in the streets until he was conceived by a kind couple. Although the new family tried hard to help Zhu remember the old situation, he still could not remember anything.

Picture 1 of Memory loss for 30 years, suddenly completely recovered when viewing news reports about COVID-19

Zhu talked by phone with relatives after 30 years of being lost.

In 2015, Zhu and his new family moved to Van Hoa Town in Zhejiang Province, China. Incidentally, this long-distance trip had a magical effect on Zhu's memory. Shortly after arriving in Van Hoa, the rural scenery seemed to have made Zhu gradually recall some small details about his life before the accident.

Until February 2020, while watching a news report on the COVID-19 epidemic in Guizhou Province, Zhu suddenly recalled his old family and went to the police to ask for help. After hearing the story, the authorities let people learn about Zhu's old family in Guizhou. Zhu's old family still lives in the same place and are all looking forward to a reunion after 30 years.

From the police side, Zhu learned that his father passed away 18 years ago. After missing for many years, Zhu's civil status in his hometown was canceled. However, his return made the old mother and 4 other siblings very surprised and happy.

Ms. Zhu, Zhu's 88-year-old mother, said the first word from a remote video call to her son: " I thought I would never see you again. I 'm glad you're still in this world. ".

Picture 2 of Memory loss for 30 years, suddenly completely recovered when viewing news reports about COVID-19

Guizhou, China, the hometown of Zhu Jiaming.

Finally after 30 years of amnesia, Zhu remembered everything. Currently, he is still in Van Hoa town next to his new family. Zhu will soon reunite with his family because this is his only dream these days.

Refer to OddityCentral

Update 22 March 2020


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