Found ancient tombs containing more than 200 steles in southwest China

An unexpected tomb is found underneath the backyard of a village in southwestern China that people discovered by accident containing hundreds of steles inside.

An unexpected ancient tomb is found below the backyard of a village in southwest China that people accidentally discovered containing hundreds of steles inside.

Accordingly, on December 4, 2016, people in village Lu, in southwestern China suddenly found an ancient tomb under the backyard of the village.

When conducting excavations, the surprising results show that in this ancient surgery contains many elaborate sculpted tombstones, typically estimated at more than 200 beer. In it, there is the heaviest beer to 800 pounds (about 360 kg).

Found ancient tombs containing more than 200 steles in southwest China Picture 1Found ancient tombs containing more than 200 steles in southwest China Picture 1

Based on the characteristics of the architecture as well as the content written on the beer, this tomb was found in the Song Dynasty . Surrounding the grave door are decorated warrior sculptures , floral decorations, both sides of the tomb are decorated exactly the same and this grave may be a couple of ancient Song families at that time.

Found ancient tombs containing more than 200 steles in southwest China Picture 2Found ancient tombs containing more than 200 steles in southwest China Picture 2

However, archaeologists say the ancient tomb may have been partially unearthed by a robbery a long time ago.

There are about 200 ancient steles in this grave that have been taken to the Lu Village Museum , known to Lu Village before being famous for more than 160 excavations specifically mainly ancient archaeological handicrafts. great locality.

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