Management is a mistake, a warning from Elon Musk to all companies

In an e-mail, Elon Musk said that, in fact, managers do not create value for the team, sometimes slowing down the pace, pushing back the creativity of employees as well as creating stress for the collective. can.

In an e-mail, Elon Musk said that, in fact, managers do not create value for the team, sometimes slowing down the pace, pushing back the creativity of employees as well as creating stress for the collective. can.

Managers are those who directly coordinate their subordinates. However, few people are sympathetic to managers. These people carry out the task of conveying instructions from higher levels to employees and monitoring and inspecting them in the process of performing their assigned tasks. In fact, in essence, management is seen as an intermediary to convey the message, these people do not directly make decisions nor are they the ones who directly do the work proposed by the superiors.

Picture 1 of Management is a mistake, a warning from Elon Musk to all companies

According to some statistics, up to 75% of employees quit due to management pressure. And fortunately Elon Musk knows this.

  1. Not a salary, this is just 8 reasons why good employees quit

Bill Gore, co-founder of Gore-Tex, a company worth up to $ 3.3 billion, soon made judgments about his company not having management. In his company there are self-governing groups and chambers, and there seems to be no manager in the entire company.

In 1976, he published a brief manuscript describing that all companies could still function better and more effectively without a manager. The unmanaged working model is called Gattice by Gore and this model is responded by many companies and applied to their company.

Gore said that in fact, the managers act as communication tools among the employees in the collective. If the connection method is formed in the company, communication will become simpler and more direct, everything will be improved. In the model that Gore gave, it will be applied as follows: If you need to work with a certain employee, call them directly and talk to them. If you want to ask for a group, go to that group and discuss it directly with them. Teams will work on their own, everyone will be equal, giving their views, there is nothing to be afraid of, so make sure your work is going well.

Gore's Lattice Organization model has no shadow of the managers, the "bosses", nor the class of HR classes divided into many levels. Removing management helps employees avoid unnecessary conflicts. Up to now, Gore's Lattice Organization model has been applied to hundreds and thousands of large and small companies around the world.

After Gore is Elon Musk

Picture 2 of Management is a mistake, a warning from Elon Musk to all companies

After learning of Gore's Lattice model, Elon Musk also agreed with Gore, in his recent email to the entire Tesla staff he said: "the manager does not bring any value to the team. , even slowing down the progress of everything: Below is the content of your email ":

"There are currently two streams of thinking about how information should be transferred inside Tesla. The most common way is to command strings, meaning that information is always transmitted through managers and bosses. The problem with this approach, is that it only heightens the responsibility of managers while it does nothing to help the company.

To solve this problem quickly, two people in different departments should talk directly and do everything. Currently, people who have problems often contact their managers directly, then the manager will transfer the words to the higher level, the superior moves to another department and then moves on to the subordinates. It's very silly, all managers are doing it this way or cheering for it, so finding new jobs is just right.

All people working at Tesla can and should email / talk directly to the person they need to solve the problem quickly and benefit the whole team.

You can talk directly to your manager's manager without anyone's permission, you can talk to the deputy director at another segment, you can talk to me, you can talk For anyone, there's no need for anyone's permission. In addition, you should do it a lot until the right things appear. The bottom line is that we have to do everything fast, very well. We cannot compete with other car manufacturers in terms of personnel size, model, so we have to do it with intelligence and flexibility.

And the final point is that those who are managing make more efforts, do not create a way of thinking "competing bosses with employees" or hinder communication at work. This is a natural way of thinking and needs to be pushed back. How can we make Tesla better if we create barriers within ourselves?

We are on the same boat. Always shape that you are doing good for the collective, not a burden.

Thank you, Elon. "

As Elon Musk says and Gore illustrates, the leadership model used as communication tools is very wrong. But now there are many companies that make that mistake, allowing it to slow down everything inside and then to work to repress, the effect goes backwards while the power of those who manage is more and more rising. Management does not create value, slow progress and regress development, why do people still keep?

Elon Musk himself warned that people who interfered with others should be fired immediately. Isn't that the core, the things that management or do: "interfere with other people's work"?

Update 24 May 2019


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