Lightroom formula to edit photos for millions of likes following youth trends

After VSCO, Lightroom is a super hot photo editing application that has become popular among young people. Normal photos through Lightroom's colors will become extremely eye-catching. Let's see the super hot million-like Lightroom color formulas of hot insta!

If you have ever used VSCO, Lightroom will not be too difficult for you to get used to. Originally an application developed on computers, but when Lightroom released the Mobile version, it really created a buzz. With many adjustable parameters such as Exposure, Shadows. Lightroom is truly a color wizard that helps your photos become much better.

Below are some million-like Lightroom color correction formulas that TipsMake has compiled.

Beautiful blue tone Lighroom formula

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Just add a little Typo and a blue lightroom tone, your photo looks much more artistic, right? This formula is very suitable for your beach photos.

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Brownish Lightroom Formula

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Ash Gray Lightroom Recipe

This color is super hot, most hot instagrammers use it, even Son Tung MTP really loves this color on his Insta.

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Instagram Brown Lightroom Recipe is super hot

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BELGUIM color formula

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