learn about 39 enchantments in Minecraft

enchantment in Minecraft can bring many benefits to players. Let's find out with Tipsmake what spells there are and how they function!

#39 Aqua Affinity

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Aqua Affinity is a hat-specific enchantment and allows the player to break blocks faster while underwater.

#38 Bane Of Arthropods

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This enchantment powers a sword, dealing additional damage to insect monsters such as spiders, cave spiders, ender lice, and bees.

#37 Blast Protection

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If you're afraid of Creeper attacks, or other unexpected explosions, upgrade your armor with Blast Protection to reduce damage taken.

#36 Channeling

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This is one of those spells that can only be applied with the trident, allowing the player to call down a bolt of lightning during a storm to strike a location. But do it outdoors and aim unhindered.

#35 Cleaving

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Cleaving gives the ax greater damage and deeper impact to hit multiple enemies.

#34 Curse of Binding

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Curse of Binding can only be found when searching for treasure. Applying this enchantment to an item will prevent the item from being removed, unless dead or damaged.

#33 Curse of Vanishing

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This is a charm that no one wants to own, if it is cast on a weapon, tool or outfit, when the player dies, the item will disappear.

#32 Depth Strider

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With Depth Strider on the shoes, players can wade much faster.

#31 Efficiency

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This is said to be the most effective enchantment for tools, because of its ability to increase the speed of picks, axes, shovels and shears.

#30 Feather Falling

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Feather Falling is embedded in the shoe to reduce damage when you fall from above, 'light as a feather'.

#29 Fire Aspect

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If you are a 'fire player' then try to get this enchantment on your sword. When attacking objects or monsters, they will burn.

#28 Fire Protection

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Whether you're burrowing or hiking on a cliff, there are lava pools that pop up out of nowhere. When wearing armor with the Fire Protection charm, you no longer have to worry about damage from lava.

#27 Flame

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This is the same spell as Fire Aspect for arrows, except that the Flame charm is cast on the bow so that any arrow fired will burn the target.

#26 Fortune

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Enchantment for: Pickaxe, ax, shovel.

This enchantment gives more resources while destroying ores, and also works on crops.

#25 Frost Walker

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This charm will turn the water at the player's feet into ice blocks so they can walk through any water without swimming.

#24 Impaling

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Enchantment is only for the trident, providing more power to hit enemies under the sea with greater damage.

#23 Infinity

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The name speaks for itself, this spell on a bow will help you shoot arrows indefinitely without using any arrows from the inventory.

#22 Knockback

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This is a necessary charm for crowd control when facing multiple enemies. It will simply make the weapon you hold repel the enemy further.

#21 Looting

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Looting helps you get more items when defeating monsters. This enchantment is useful for collecting bone meal and zombie meat to make medicine.

#20 Loyalty

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Casting Loyalty on the trident will cause it to return every time you throw it, like a boomerang.

#19 Luck of the Sea

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This spell can only be applied to fishing rods and gives them a better ability to collect loot from the water such as books, fish and also reduce the amount of garbage encountered.

#18 Lure

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Lure reduces the wait time from casting the line until the fish bites.

#17 Mending

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Usually to repair a tool or weapon, one needs to use an anvil. However, with the Mending buff, the enchanted item will repair itself whenever Experience is absorbed.

#16 Multishot

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A great talisman for crossbows, Multishot allows the crossbow to launch 3 arrows simultaneously, but the amount taken is still 1.

#15 Piercing

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This upgrade makes it possible for arrows fired from crossbows to pierce multiple enemies, being an effective means of breaking through crowds.

#14 Power

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If you need to do a lot of damage with your arrows, using Power will increase the power of each shot.

#13 Projectile Protection

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This enchantment allows the player to reduce the damage of incoming objects, such as arrows or fireballs.

#12 Protection

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Protection is a more extended version of Projectile Protection, increasing resistance to all forms of attack from the enemy.

#11 Punch

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This spell cast on a bow increases the ability to knock enemies away, just like Knockback.

#10 Quick Charge

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For impatient hunters, Quick Charge is a great charm to help you shorten the time it takes to hit the crossbow.

#9 Respiration

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This spell turns the helmet into a diving mask, giving you a longer time to hold oxygen, increasing each level by 15 seconds.

#8 Riptile

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A fun talisman so you have the ability to follow along with the trident when throwing it, working in the water or in rain or snowstorms.

#7 Sharpness

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Gives the sword more incense.

#6 Silk Touch

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Helps you break blocks without changing its properties. For example, when you use the Silk Touch enchanted pickaxe to break a block of stone, you will receive a stone instead of a cobblestone as usual.

#5 Smite

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Increases damage dealt to skeleton humans, zombies, wither skeletons, wither bosses, drowners, phantoms, zombie pigmen, and zombie horses.

#4 Soul Speed

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Increases movement speed on soul sand or spirit earth, this enchantment is applied to the shoe.

#3 Sweeping Edge

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Increases sword's critical damage after each splash.

#2 Thorns

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This armor allows the player to reflect incoming damage, just like a cactus.

#1 Unbreak

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A great feature to have with any item, Unbreak significantly reduces durability, extending the life of your favorite item.

And that's all 39 enchantments in Minecraft, wish you a happy experience with this game.

Update 03 June 2021


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