Laptops are coming to the throne

The demand for laptops in society is increasing because businesses are increasingly expanding their operations, employees and executives have to travel more.

The demand for laptops in society is increasing due to the increasingly expanding businesses, employees and executives also have to travel more to understand and grasp the market. According to experts, in the next 5 years, more than 1 billion laptops will be sold.

The prediction was made by Dell computer maker after the company launched 10 laptop models to the countries with impressive economies. ' Currently an era of information technology. We all know, business is without borders. There is a class of employees who do not have offices and there are people who have to work with about 10 companies in a day and have to go to many different places. Choosing a laptop for their work is inevitable , 'said Andy Lark, vice president of global marketing for Dell Computer.

Picture 1 of Laptops are coming to the throne
Laptops can be used anytime, anywhere Mr. Lark also added that the number of laptop users will increase even more if laptop requirements are met. ' Most laptop users who want to access the network are working in emerging economies such as China, India and Brazil. If the laptop improves some of the features to meet the requirements of job handling, certainly, this market is very exciting, "said Lark.

' If you pay attention in India, about 67% of the workforce has to move a lot, so more and more people want to use laptops with outstanding features like wireless connectivity everywhere, anytime. , longer battery life, high level of security for convenience at work as well as to send and receive email quickly ".

Capturing market demand, Dell Computer has organized a quick survey of more than 4,000 customers to find out what customers really want from their products. As a result, laptop battery life is a top concern, security issues are also considered by many people.

Analysts predict that laptops will actually "hit the throne" globally this year. As expected, the number of computers consumed in 2008 will increase to 109.4 million compared with 78 million distributed in 2007. The price of some affordable laptops is now under $ 600.

Update 25 May 2019


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