NPX-9000 - a $ 130 laptop

The laptop with 7-inch screen, 1 GB flash memory and 3 Impulse USB ports (China) are available on Alibaba e-commerce website.

The laptop with 7-inch screen, 1 GB flash memory and 3 Impulse USB ports (China) are available on Alibaba e-commerce website.

Impulse NPX-9000 runs on Linux operating system, 400 MHz chip, 128 MB RAM, installed office application package, web browser, multimedia software and removable Wi-Fi 802.11g card.

However, the price of 130 USD only applies to orders of 100 or more machines.

NPX-9000 - a $ 130 laptop Picture 1NPX-9000 - a $ 130 laptop Picture 1
Photo: Gizmodo .

Prior to NPX-9000, the cheapest laptop on the market was the One Laptop Per Child (XO) system for $ 188, and was only equipped with slow-running microprocessor and gender graphics capabilities. term Recently, Information Manager Mary Lou Jepsen of OLPC confirmed that the second generation XO will be only 75 USD in 2010.

Meanwhile, the cheapest version of the Asus Eee PC is $ 300, equipped with an Intel 800 MHz chip, 512 MB of RAM and 2 GB of flash memory.

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