Laptop fan makes loud noise, causes and 4 effective ways to fix it

When using a computer, there will be times when you will hear the laptop fan making a loud noise. This condition is how the device signals to you...

When using a computer, there will be times when you will hear the laptop fan making a loud noise. This condition is the device's way of signaling to you that the system is overloaded and if it persists, it will affect the laptop's lifespan. Therefore, to fix the problem of loud laptop fan noise, follow the following content for instructions from TipsMake.

Does a loud laptop fan have any effect?

Laptops are one of the important technological devices for everyone to serve work, study, entertainment, etc. Therefore, during use, it is not uncommon for users to hear the laptop make loud noises . meet.

Although this is not a serious error, if this situation continues for a long time, it will affect: 

  1. Experience using computers, thereby causing discomfort for users, affecting the quality of work and study.
  2. The loud noise of the laptop cooling fan is also a way for the device to signal to you of problems related to the computer's cooling system.
  3. If you do not find a way to fix this situation soon, over time there will be many serious errors such as reduced machine life, radiator damage, power failure, damaged components, etc.

Reasons why laptop fans make loud noises?

There are many causes of radiator fans making loud and screeching sounds, including the following main causes:

Dirt sticks to the fan and its parts for a long time

In fact, when the laptop is running and the radiator is moving, it creates an electrical charge and draws cool air from outside the environment to cool the system. From there, dirt will be sucked in.

Picture 1 of Laptop fan makes loud noise, causes and 4 effective ways to fix it

These dirt particles will accumulate more and more over time and if you do not clean your laptop periodically, they will stick thickly to parts of the cooling system such as heatsinks, fans, guides, etc.

This can block the circulation paths between the inside and outside of the machine, causing unpleasant noise or possibly jamming the system, causing the laptop fan to not run.

The fan is damaged

Some causes of laptop cooling fan damage are as follows:

  1. During travel, do not put your laptop in a shockproof bag as other hardware and the fan will collide with each other.
  2. Many people often have the habit of leaving their laptops on the mattress to work. This also causes the laptop fan to make loud noises because the device cannot escape heat.
  3. During the process of disassembling the fan incorrectly, heat is blown back into the machine.

A damaged or broken fan blade will cause the fan to rotate unevenly. Over time, the fan and contact parts become loose, the sound becomes louder and more annoying. 

Picture 2 of Laptop fan makes loud noise, causes and 4 effective ways to fix it

The fan's oil is dry and the CPU thermal paste is gone

If your laptop has been used for a long time but you have not changed the CPU thermal paste, this is also one of the main reasons why the laptop makes loud noises. 

Because the glue is the membrane that helps the cooling fan operate more smoothly and evenly. When the glue dries, the fan will have to work harder. This causes the laptop fan to make a loud noise.

Laptop is infected with malware

When the system is infected with a virus, your laptop will have to process many programs running in the background at the same time, causing the computer to heat up. This causes the fan to work at full capacity to 'cool' the CPU.

And when overloaded, the fan will have to make a 'cry for help' sound.

4 effective ways to fix loud laptop fans

After finding out in detail the reasons why radiator fans make loud noises , let's help TipsMake fix it in the following ways:

Clean your laptop periodically

You should clean your laptop at least once every 2 years to best preserve your laptop. If you work in an environment with more dust and dirt, you should clean your laptop once a year. 

Picture 3 of Laptop fan makes loud noise, causes and 4 effective ways to fix it

The cooling fan part needs to be cleaned most thoroughly. You should also apply thermal paste to the CPU and add lubricating oil to the shaft to ensure the fan operates stably.

You can clean your laptop yourself at home or take it to a reputable facility for a more thorough examination.

If the fan is damaged, replace it

In case the radiator fan is broken, you have no choice but to buy a new fan to replace it. 

The price of laptop cooling fans purchased new on the market today fluctuates around 500,000 VND depending on the brand.

Check if the computer is infected with a virus?

Pay attention if the laptop fan is loud , and the computer runs slowly and the system often automatically installs applications of unknown origin, then check for viruses immediately.

Checking operations are performed as follows:

Step 1: Press Ctrl + Alt + Del at the same time to open the Task Manager window . 

Step 2: Then on the Performance tab , you see the CPU usage percentage of active applications.

Picture 4 of Laptop fan makes loud noise, causes and 4 effective ways to fix it

Usually, several malicious applications running at the same time will take up quite a lot of CPU and you should remove these applications as quickly as possible.

Also, install anti-virus software (free or paid) and only use one software to find and remove viruses.

You should also not visit malicious websites, limit the use of cracked software online and should use a copyrighted Windows operating system.

Use a supportive heatsink

Currently, the market offers a variety of laptop cooling pads, with different designs and prices. 

Picture 5 of Laptop fan makes loud noise, causes and 4 effective ways to fix it

When equipping this part to fix loud laptop fan noise , you need to pay attention to the following issues: 

  1. Buy heatsinks from reputable, good quality brands such as Coolcold, Wincom, Coorel,.
  2. When attaching the heatsink to the computer, there must be a ledge on the support surface of your laptop to avoid slipping during use.
  3. The distance from the tabletop to the laptop and heatsink must be reasonable for effective heat dissipation. Usually experts recommend that this distance should be about 2.5 cm.
  4. Regularly check the cooling fan system and make sure this part has the ability to absorb heat well from the laptop.


Hopefully the above sharing from TipsMake will help you better understand the causes and how to fix loud laptop fans . If you have any other questions, please leave a comment for immediate support!

Update 12 October 2023


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