Instructions to turn off the computer automatically
Network administration - The combination of a shortcut to a Shutdown.exe file with Windows Task Scheduler will give you a way to automatically turn off your computer at the end of the afternoon every day.
Creating a shortcut to shut down your computer is simple, just press Start | Shut down , depending on the version of Windows operating system you are using, may have Shut down again. However, one more convenient way that I want to show you in that article is the combination of such a shortcut with the Windows Task Scheduler, which will be really useful for the management staff. IT in a lot of computer offices and saves energy as well as monthly electricity bills paid to companies.
We will introduce you to the Task Scheduler of Windows XP first. To launch it, open Scheduled Tasks from Control Panel, double-click Add Scheduled Task . The Scheduled Task Wizard will appear, switch to a list of applications, click the Browse button and navigate to Windowssystem32shutdown.exe. Name the task and select the Daily option. Choose the time of day you want to turn off your system. The wizard will ask you for the username and password; You can fill in the username and password or you can ignore it.
Before clicking Finish to save the task, check the check box Open advanced properties for this task when I click Finish . There is a trick here for Shutdown.exe - it will only work if you give it parameters. If you double click on the program itself, nothing happens. Therefore, in the advanced properties dialog box, in the Run box, add a space plus at least one item below from Menu A and any or no items from Menu B at the end of a shortcut .
Menu A- shut down -l log off -r reboot Menu B -t xx Delay shutdown about xx seconds (Windows will display a warning dialog) - c "Your text" Add "your text" to warning dialog box
Before clicking OK to close the box, move your mouse over the Settings tab and check the Only start the task box if the computer has been idle for at least:, set the appropriate time value.
To set up a scheduled shutdown action in Windows Vista, the process is almost the same. There is only one place, instead of starting in Control Panel, you will launch Task Scheduler from the Start menu (taskschd.msc). Then, in the right pane, click Create Task . In the dialog box that appears, name the task in the General tab. In the Triggers tab, create a New trigger. Select On a schedule and set the schedule; Confirm that the Enabled check box below is checked. From the Actions tab, select Start a program , point to C: Windowssystem32Shutdown.exe, and add the switches you do with Windows XP ((-s to start, and other switches if you want). , in the Conditions tab, check the checkbox marked Start the task only if the computer is idle for:, and select the amount of time as appropriate.
Note: Whether you are using XP or Vista, when the shutdown event is activated, the only way to stop it is to start Shutdown.exe with the -a command ( omit ). So you can create a quick launch icon or an icon on the desktop called "Cancel shutdown" to perform this stop action.
C: Windowssystem32shutdown.exe -a .
Tip: Use Shutdown.exe on the network
For network administrators, you can create a batch file to set up shutdown action for all computers you can access. We are assuming that you do not have Active Directory; If this is the case, you can use the graphical interface to perform. You will need an IP address or the name of each computer. Sometimes the firewall will block this process, so cancel the "Enable NetBIOS" option in the firewall's configuration screen or open the TCP port 139 to allow access.
You need two lines in the command prompt to shut down a remote computer. First there is increased access to computers:
net dùng địa chỉ ip hoặc tên của remote máy / user: username password
If the username contains spaces, it needs quotes, for example / user: "Van Linh" .
shutdown -mipaddress –s
Note: Other switches can be added as above. For a complete list, type shutdown / ?. You can also include comments as' Warning: The system will shut down within 2 minutes. Turn off all your work right now. '
To shut down a group of computers, create a batch file. You need net use and then the shutdown line for each computer. And from here you can use Task Scheduler to shut down your computer group at the same time that you order daily.
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