Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively

Bad sectors on hard drives are a common problem that can cause loss of important data and slow down system performance. This condition is common on both HDDs and SSDs, and can be caused by many factors such as impact, software errors, or the age of the hard drive.

Bad sectors affect the ability to store and retrieve data. Users can check and fix them with specialized software or replace the hard drive if necessary.

Cut Bad Hard Drive Sectors with PartitionMagic

Step 1: Insert the Hiren BootCD into the CD/DVD Rom drive and set up the BISO to boot the computer from the CD/DVD Rom drive.

After booting, move the highlighted area to Start BootCD and press Enter to continue.

Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 1Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 1

Step 2: Move the highlighted area to Partition Tools… Then press Enter .

Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 2Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 2

Step 3: Move the highlighted area to Partition Magic Pro 8.05 and press Enter.

Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 3Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 3

The program will then list the parameters of your hard drive.

(In this example the hard drive has 1 8Gb partition)

Step 4: If your computer has multiple drives, choose the hard drive with Bad-Sector and remember the parameters of that partition to proceed with zoning.

After identifying the Bad-Sector area, click the red X button to delete and cut that partition.

Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 4Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 4

Step 5: When the notification appears, enter OK from the keyboard into the blank box to confirm and then press OK .

Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 5Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 5

Step 6: After deleting the Bad-Secter partition, you need to create a new partition by:

Press C to create a new partition.

Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 6Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 6

Step 7: Set the parameters according to the image below or as desired, then click OK .

Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 7Instructions to fix Bad hard drive errors simply and effectively Picture 7

Step 8: Then click Apply to repartition the program. Exit the program, restart the computer.

Note: If the Bad-Sector is in the partition where the operating system is installed, you must reinstall it and zoning the Bad-Sector will cause data loss on that partition. You should back up your data before zoning the Bad-Sector.

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