Instructions on how to clean a computer mouse quickly and properly

People often ignore how to clean their computer mouse without knowing that this can affect their health and experience.

Even though we have been using computer mice for a long time, not everyone knows the importance of cleaning computer mice. Many users do not even take cleaning steps during use. In the article below, TipsMake will show you how to clean a computer mouse simply at home.

Why should you clean your computer mouse?

It is no coincidence that technicians advise users to clean computer mice regularly. The specific causes come from the following reasons:

1. Health effects

When you use the mouse for a long time without cleaning it, it will create conditions for layers of dirt to stick to the mouse body. Thus, frequent contact with mice will cause negative effects on the user's health.

Not only that, if you use uncleaned hands when touching mice to eat or drink, bacteria will enter your body and cause symptoms and intestinal diseases.

Picture 1 of Instructions on how to clean a computer mouse quickly and properly

2. Optimize the quality of the mouse

Not only does it prevent negative effects on health, cleaning the computer mouse also contributes to optimizing the quality and extending the lifespan of the mouse.

As mentioned above, not cleaning the mouse for a long time will cause a layer of dirt to stick to the mouse, especially in the grooves of the mouse. The thicker the dirt layer, the more it will reduce sensitivity and negatively affect the user's experience with the mouse.

Picture 2 of Instructions on how to clean a computer mouse quickly and properly

3. Ensure the aesthetics of the mouse

The layer of dirt that accumulates over time will affect the aesthetics of the mouse, especially mice with bright colors such as white, pink, blue, etc.

Instructions on how to clean a computer mouse quickly and properly

With the above information, you probably understand the importance of cleaning your computer mouse . However, it should be noted that each type of mouse will have different cleaning methods. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is identify what type of mouse you have, whether it is a wired optical mouse, wireless mouse, ball mouse or gaming mouse.

Then, prepare the tools listed below and follow the cleaning steps according to the instructions corresponding to your mouse type.

Preparation tools: 1 soft towel, 1 bottle of 90 degree alcohol (should be diluted 1:1 with water to avoid affecting the color of the mouse), cotton swab, 1 mini dusting brush and 1 dust sprayer .

Picture 3 of Instructions on how to clean a computer mouse quickly and properly

Once you've determined whether your mouse is wireless, wired, or trackball, simply follow these steps. Below, Huy Khang PC will guide you on the simplest and fastest way to clean your mouse .

Wired optical mouse

If you are wondering how to clean a computer mouse or a wired optical mouse ? Then you should definitely read the following instructions:

  1. Step 1: Unplug the mouse from the computer, then wipe the mouse case with a soft cloth soaked in diluted alcohol solution.
  2. Step 2: Use a cotton swab soaked in diluted alcohol solution to continue cleaning the slots and grooves of the mouse. This step requires you to do it gently and thoroughly to clean every corner, especially at the mouse click slot - where the most dirt accumulates.
  3. Step 3: Use another dry cotton swab to gently clean the laser reading eye. You can wipe this location many times until it is clean.

Picture 4 of Instructions on how to clean a computer mouse quickly and properly

Wireless mouse

If you are using a wireless mouse, do you need to clean the computer mouse? Certainly, this peripheral always needs to be cleaned no matter what type it is. For wireless mice, please refer to the following cleaning method:

  1. Step 1: Remove the USB port connecting the mouse to the device, and also remove the battery and place them in a visible, dry location, away from moisture.
  2. Step 2: Soak a soft cloth in diluted alcohol solution to wipe the mouse's outer shell.
  3. Step 3: Use a dry cotton swab to clean the battery installation area, USB slot and reading eye. After that, let it dry before installing the battery and USB port as before.

Picture 5 of Instructions on how to clean a computer mouse quickly and properly

Ball mouse

Besides the frequently asked question ' Do I need to clean my computer mouse? '. Many people are also interested in cleaning ball mice. Because this is a type of mouse that existed before the advent of optical mice. Actually cleaning the trackball is not too complicated if you follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Use a soft cloth soaked in diluted alcohol solution to clean the mouse shell.
  2. Step 2: Remove the mouse ball by gently rotating the bottom of the mouse counterclockwise (from right to left).

Picture 6 of Instructions on how to clean a computer mouse quickly and properly

  1. Step 3: Continue using a soft towel with diluted alcohol solution to wipe the mouse.
  2. Step 4: Use a cotton swab soaked in diluted alcohol solution to thoroughly clean every groove and every nook and cranny that may have dirt on the mouse.
  3. Step 5: After the mouse is dry, reinsert the ball as before and continue using normally.

Gaming mouse

  1. Step 1 : For a wired mouse, unplug the cord from the computer, and for a wireless mouse, remove the USB port and battery, then place it in a dry location. 
  2. Step 2: After disconnecting the device or removing the battery and USB port, you will continue to use the mini brush to wipe away the dust and dirt in the gaps of the gaming mouse. 
  3. Step 3: Use a spray bottle to blow away the dirt, then use a towel soaked in diluted alcohol to clean the mouse shell.
  4. Step 4: Wait for the mouse to dry, then install and connect to the computer again.

Picture 7 of Instructions on how to clean a computer mouse quickly and properly


For sensor parts, absolutely do not use damp cotton swabs to clean, only use brushes, spray bottles or dry cotton swabs.

As for wired mice, do not use a soft cloth soaked in alcohol or other solutions to avoid the solution accidentally falling inside and damaging the mouse.


Above is a quick and simple way to clean a computer mouse that you can refer to. In general, cleaning will not be as difficult or time-consuming as you think. Don't forget to share this information so everyone knows and avoids unnecessary problems due to mice being dirty for a long time.

Update 10 October 2023


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