Instructions for using One Drive

Instructions for using One Drive. OneDrive is a cloud storage service of Microsoft, you can use OneDrive to store files, folders, photos, videos ... online instead of stored on a computer.

OneDrive is a cloud storage service of Microsoft, you can use OneDrive to store files, folders, photos, videos . online instead of stored on a computer. You can easily access and share data stored on OneDrive on any device such as phones, tablets, computers.

Below is a guide to using OneDrive from the beginning on Windows 7.

Create a Microsoft account to use OneDrive

To use the OneDrive service you need a Microsoft account, if you do not already have, you can create a Microsoft account as follows:

Step 1: Visit website, then you click Sign up now (register now) to open the page to create a Microsoft account.

Instructions for using One Drive Picture 1Instructions for using One Drive Picture 1

Step 2: On the Create an account page, enter the information that Microsoft requires:

First name: Name.

Last name: Last name .

User name: The name of the Microsoft account you want to create (immediately, no spaces, no spaces .). You can also choose the tail of your Microsoft account is @ or @

Password: Password for Microsoft account.

Reenter password: Re- enter the password.

Country / region: Country, region.

Birthdate: Date of birth.

Gender: Gender.

Country code: Area code.

Phone number: Phone number .

Alternate email address: Other email (email account already exists, so if you have problems with your account you can use this email to get it back).

Enter the characters you see: Enter the characters you see above to verify you're not a machine.

After entering all the information you choose Create account to register for a Microsoft account.

Instructions for using One Drive Picture 2Instructions for using One Drive Picture 2

Download and install OneDrive

Once you have a Microsoft account, start accessing the OneDrive home page and select Download at the top of the menu.

Instructions for using One Drive Picture 3Instructions for using One Drive Picture 3

The download page appears, select the operating system you are using and select Download under OneDrive.

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You wait to download OneDrive to your computer, after the download is complete, click the downloaded OneDriveSetup.exe file to install. After installation is complete, a Welcome to OneDrive interface will appear, click Sign in to log in to OneDrive.

Instructions for using One Drive Picture 5Instructions for using One Drive Picture 5

Next at the Sign in interface, enter the account name, password of the Microsoft account you just created or the Microsoft account you had before and click Sign in to login.

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After successful login, the next interface you can change the folder to save OneDrive files by clicking Change location and selecting the folder. If not, you can leave the OneDrive default folder and click Next .

Instructions for using One Drive Picture 7Instructions for using One Drive Picture 7

When done, the OneDrive folder will appear. So you have finished installing OneDrive on your computer.

Sync files and folders to OneDrive

You can drag and drop or copy and paste the files and folders you want to sync to the OneDrive folder on your computer. All files and folders saved in this OneDrive folder will be synchronized and stored. You can access OneDrive and use data with other computers.

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To install, change OneDrive account on the computer, right-click on the OneDrive icon under the system tray and select Settings .

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In the dialog box that appears, you can easily set up OneDrive options on your computer.

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So, you can use the online storage service OneDrive on your computer. Good luck!

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