Inhaling a nanoparticle can prevent heart damage

Deep breathing from heart failure can be overcome by an inhaled spray that can work well in animal tests.

Just a few deep breaths can help treat heart failure early - heart failure after a heart attack thanks to an inhaled spray that can work well in animal tests.

This drug is essentially a spray containing small nanoparticles sufficient to absorb through the air pockets of the lungs and into the blood vessels. From here, blood goes straight to the heart, where the nanoparticles will release the medicine promptly and quickly.

To test the drug, the researchers tested the drug in mice with heart failure.

Picture 1 of Inhaling a nanoparticle can prevent heart damage

Mouse heart health is measured by checking the rate of blood ejected by the left ventricle - a heart chamber - on every heartbeat. Compared to healthy mice, mice with heart failure lost 17% of each heart rate.

When ten mice received this spray, it showed an average increase of 15% for the heart rate of the mouse. Michele Miragol, from the University of Parma in Italy, said: "The rat heart is almost completely recovered." In the non-drug control group, no similar results were found.

Accordingly, the nanoparticles in this drug are made from calcium phosphate, a natural mineral in bone. The drug that nono seeds inject to repair calcium errors on the surface of heart cells, often helps the electricity to maintain the heart's normal beat.

See more:

  1. 7 indicators for you to check your health better than BMI
  2. Drinking two cans of carbonated drinks per week may increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease
  3. Artificial intelligence system can diagnose heart disease, cancer early
Update 24 May 2019


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