In less than 10 minutes, Florida's election website was 'lost' to an 11-year-old boy

In the annual largest hacking conference in the world, DEFCON 26, just less than 10 minutes, boy Emmett Brewer, 11 years old successfully broke into the copy of Florida state election website and changed the results decided.

In the annual largest hacking conference in the world, DEFCON 26, just less than 10 minutes, boy Emmett Brewer, 11 years old successfully broke into the copy of Florida state election website and changed the results decided.

Emmett Brewer is one of 50 children between the ages of 8 and 16 who have tried to hack 13 fake websites (very accurate copies of all websites) related to the vote of presidents at the sub state, seek to manipulate party names, candidate names and total votes.

Picture 1 of In less than 10 minutes, Florida's election website was 'lost' to an 11-year-old boy

Another 11-year-old girl took only 15 minutes to hack a copy of Florida's election site and raised the number of votes by three times.

More than 30 other children have also attacked a host of other similar websites in less than 30 minutes.

Picture 2 of In less than 10 minutes, Florida's election website was 'lost' to an 11-year-old boy

Although the websites in this event are a copy, the security holes that child hackers exploit are real and found in the US electoral system.

Last year, adult hackers also participated in the event and could access similar election sites in less than 5 minutes.

See more:

  1. Bitcoin wallet 'inviolable' used by John McAfee was hacked by a 15-year-old boy to play DOOM
  2. The whole city had to return to the 'stone' era using typewriters because the entire computer system was hacked
  3. Hackers can take control of voting machines in the US in less than 2 hours
  4. In prison, hackers can still steal more than $ 200,000 through a tablet without an Internet connection
Update 24 May 2019


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