World hackers in China
Being able to connect with Ly Quan, the first Chinese hacker who was released from prison on charges of carrying out computer attacks, has made the Internet community so miserable, The Wall Street Journal has revealed something. Chinese hackers underground - the focus of investigating hackers in the world today.
The biggest concern in the world today about the influence of hackers is from . Wuhan, the capital of Hubei, central China. This used to be a living and ' working ' place for a young hacker, but only at the second level but knocked down about 30 US government websites in 2007.
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Ly Quan - the author of the Panda Incense - (Photo: WSJ)
Panda lit incense
Ly Quan, 27, is the author of the computer worm, The Panda burns incense, which caused turmoil in China in 2006-2007, but the consequences have continued to date. In December 2009, Li Quan was released from prison after being sentenced to three years, one year earlier because he was said to be " good at reforming ." The worm, in the image of a three-pinged panda, has infiltrated Internet users' computers after they opened emails to steal passwords, financial information and customer accounts.
Google and the US government's cyber security experts are continuing to investigate the source of the Aurora hackers. Those are recent attacks on Gmail account users and some US companies. Unnamed sources from the US government show that they have been searching for clues to attacks from China. But Aurora seems much more complicated than Panda. Unlike Panda, which is a mass attack and has no clear intention, Aurora targets specific employees in US companies and attacks long-term.
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Symbol of Panda incense incense
To date, there is no evidence to suggest a link between Panda and Aurora attacks. But it is clear that Li Quan learned hackers skills from hackers forums in China. Ly Quan's hackers ' career ' began in 1999 when he learned to control other people's computers and attacked the website from his childhood friend Le Loi Loi. Responding to The Wall Street Journal's email, Lei recalled: when two skinny young boys sat on the second floor of an Internet shop with a dimly lit ' Network Club ' name, waving a flag to start the battle and collapse. about 30 US websites. ' We are too young at that time to do extravagant things '. Then both couples stole money from Internet users.
Lei Lei also received a year of imprisonment and was released in 2008. He now works at his father's factory in Wuhan and plans to run a network security business.
The two said that what they learned was only part of a coalition of hackers taking the name of a Qing-rebellion group, ' Little Sword '. According to US technology company Symantec Corp., Panda is the first " organized crime crime in China ".
Network forum
After leaving prison, Li Quan refused to answer the official interview. But through many phone calls, online chat, email, he said that starting can be a network security expert. Like most Chinese hackers, Li Quan said he was raised within an informal network but was very active. It is the chat rooms, which are the origin of the attack of technology.
It is rare to find out the identity, motivation or method of Chinese hackers. But based on interviews with security experts, investigative reports from independent technology companies and the hackers themselves, the partially uncovered Panda about the underworld of Chinese hackers. National. That underworld has taken advantage of the reverse side of inventions, sharing and technology exchange to carry out attacks. The amount that Ly Quan and Loi Loi earned each time amounted to 1,200 USD / day.
China has so far denied the fact that its country is a hacker's paradise and claims China has never supported or involved in cyber attacks and will never do so. In contrast, as Mr. Peng Ba, official of the Internet Information Office of the State Information Council, said China is the most attacked by world hackers.
According to network experts, Chinese hackers are not the same as hackers in the US or Russia, which are basically working and focused. The hackers community in China disperses, each doing a specific task, not coordinating with each other. They also distribute products in tower or multi-level form. According to Li Quan, although China has the largest population of hackers in the world, the technology of these hackers is still far behind those of Russia or the US.
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In the list of countries feared to be the place where most of the attacks occurred, the US accounted for 36% and China accounted for 33% - (Source: Center for Strategic and International Studies) .
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