If shot, did you hear the first explosion or hit the previous bullet?

Watch the race between the bullet and the sound to see which one is faster.

At normal temperature, the sound has a transmission speed of 340m / s, while the bullet leaving the gun has a speed of 2 times faster than the sound, 900m / s. If you look at these numbers, the bullets are definitely faster than the sound, but in reality this is not really true.

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Picture 1 of If shot, did you hear the first explosion or hit the previous bullet?

Watch the race between the bullet and the sound to see which one is faster.

In the course of flying bullets, its speed is reduced by the resistance of the air, while the speed of sound in the air changes very little on a road that is not too long.

Picture 2 of If shot, did you hear the first explosion or hit the previous bullet?
Flight path of the supersonic bullet.

At the first stage, 600 meters after the bullet left the barrel, its average flying speed dropped to about 450m / s. At this point, the bullet still flew faster than the sound and temporarily took the lead. With this short distance, if you are shot you will be hit before you hear the explosion.

In the second stage, from 600 to 900 meters, the speed of the bullet is greatly reduced by air resistance. At this stage, the sound has caught up with the bullet and almost both reach the destination together.

Picture 3 of If shot, did you hear the first explosion or hit the previous bullet?

At the last stage, from 900 meters onwards, the bullet's flight speed becomes slower. At this point, the sound will pass the bullet, rising to the top of the race. When the 1,200m flight was reached, the 'dead' bullet could no longer fly, while the sound continued to run far ahead. With such a long distance, if shot, you will hear an explosion before being hit.

After the race, the bullet only won the first short 900m race track, but if the race was longer, it would definitely have to cede the championship to the sound.

Update 24 May 2019


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