What is Bullet Journal?

What is Bullet Journal? How to use Bullet Journal effectively? Please read the article below to get the answer.

Bullet Journal is a recording method to manage yourself, plan for work. In Bullet Journal, you will write down a to-do list, things to remember, or your short-term and long-term goals in a scientific way.

A Bullet Journal can be used for many different purposes as a diary, idea notebook, timetable or planner.

What is Bullet Journal? Picture 1What is Bullet Journal? Picture 1

Why should I do Bullet Journal?

Not just a regular notebook, Bullet Journal also helps you organize your work and manage your time effectively.

Making a to-do list helps you remember and know which tasks need to be prioritized to be completed.

Looking at the goals set out in the Bullet Journal, you will have more motivation to try to accomplish them. The full implementation of small, daily, weekly tasks will help you complete the big, important goals in your life.

What items does Bullet Journal have?

Bullet Journal Index (Table of Contents)

The Bullet Journal Index or table of contents is a list that lists all the important items along with the corresponding page numbers to help you easily track and find the content inside whenever needed.

The table of contents is usually placed on the first page of a Bullet Journal.

Bullet Journal Key (Keyword)

Bullet Journal Key (keyword) helps you to categorize and highlight the listed contents and tasks clearly.

Please choose short keywords, can use colors, symbols, symbols, . to represent keywords in your Bullet Journal such as completed tasks, postponed tasks, canceled tasks , important tasks, events, deadlines, etc.

What is Bullet Journal? Picture 2What is Bullet Journal? Picture 2

Bullet Journal Future log

Future log is where you write your long-term goals (1, 3, 5 years.) both in terms of career, study, finance, love,. Here, you can also record calendars events, events that will happen in the near future.

Bullet Journal Monthly Planning

This is the section where you list the to-dos, events to remember by day, week or month.

What is Bullet Journal? Picture 3What is Bullet Journal? Picture 3

With a notebook, a pen and 5-10 minutes a day, you have in your hand a notebook to manage yourself creatively and scientifically while giving you a lot of inspiration to live more positively.

Anyone can create their own Bullet Journal from schoolchildren, students, office workers, people who love to write and take notes… Each person can use Bullet Journal for purposes such as Travel Journal to record their own travel journey, Movie Journal with love for movies or Kpop Journal for endless passion for Kpop…

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