Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Previously, Facebook was mostly text and shared links. But now, images are becoming more and more important. However, each type of photo on Facebook such as cover photo, profile picture and timeline image has its own size. Thus, if the images you upload are appropriate for their own size, they will display in the best quality.

Facebook will automatically reduce the image size when you post on this social network. However, if you insert images that match Facebook's requirements, the images posted will be more beautiful and clear.

Previously, Facebook was mostly text and shared links. But now, images are becoming more and more important. However, each type of photo on Facebook such as cover photo, profile picture and timeline image has its own size. Thus, if the images you upload are appropriate for their own size, they will display in the best quality.

Cover photo (cover photo)

Picture 1 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

This is a large, large picture on top of the timeline ( timeline ). This image is displayed at 851 x 315 pixels ( horizontal and vertical ). According to Facebook, in order to have the best page loading speed, we should post the cover size of 851 pixels in width and 315 pixels in JPG format with a capacity of less than 100KB . For cover images with many words and logos, the images will look better when using PNG format.

Picture 2 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

However, the cover image of the Group page has a different size of 801 x 250 pixels and the Event cover image is 784 x 295 pixels .

Profile picture (profile picture)

This image is displayed at 160 x 160 pixel size and you must post a picture of at least 180 x 180 pixels for optimal quality. With non-square images, you can go to the " Edit Profile Picture " profile image editor, then select " Edit Thumbnail " to edit.

Picture 3 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Thumbnails (thumbnails) in shared posts

Picture 4 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Facebook has many ways to display thumbnails with shared links. Usually and ideally, you will have a large thumbnail image with a size of 484 x 252 pixels , like the image above.

Picture 5 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

However, many times Facebook only displays thumbnails of small sizes on the left in the direction of 155 pixels or vertically with a size of 114 pixels . Note that you can post a new image instead of the auto thumbnail of Facebook and the replacement image will appear sharper if you choose the appropriate size image.

Picture 6 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Photos posted on the timeline (Timeline)

Thumbnails on the timeline have a maximum display size of 504 x 504 pixels . Thus, if you want to use up all the available space, you should post it on a square photo with a minimum width of 504 pixels .

Picture 7 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

If the image is uploaded in horizontal format, the image will automatically resize to a size of 504 pixels , while the vertical size will be the size depending on the actual image.

Picture 8 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

If you post a portrait image, then the thumbnail will automatically shrink to a vertical size of 504 pixels and horizontally depending on the actual size of the image. Photos that are posted in horizontal and vertical dimensions are less than 504 pixels , the thumbnail image will not display all the allowed area, with extra space on both sides.

Picture 9 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Post multiple photos to the timeline

You can post multiple photos to the timeline at the same time. How these images show up on the timeline depends on the number of photos posted and the size of the image you will choose as the main image. The main image is the image that will display first and display larger in some cases.

In addition to the first display, the main image has another important role. It determines the layout ( layout ) of the photos. If you post 3 photos with the main image in square format, you will see the layout of the images will be different from the main image with rectangular image size.

Picture 10 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

The easiest way to select an image as the main image is to drag it to the leftmost position in the image upload box. In this example, the picture of the lion above will serve as the main image. If you want the monkey picture to be the main image, just drag it to the left.

Picture 11 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Share 2 photos on the Timeline, the main photo is horizontal

Picture 12 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Share 2 photos on the Timeline, the main photo is vertical

Picture 13 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Share 2 photos on the Timeline, the main picture is square

Picture 14 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Share 3 photos on the Timeline, the main picture is horizontal

Picture 15 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Share 3 photos on the Timeline, the main photo is vertical

Picture 16 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Share 3 photos on the Timeline, the main picture is square

Picture 17 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Share 4 photos on the Timeline, the main photo is horizontal

Picture 18 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Share 4 photos on the Timeline, the main photo is vertical

Picture 19 of Ideal photo sizes on Facebook

Share 4 photos on the Timeline, the main picture is square

Update 26 May 2019


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