How to make delicious chrysanthemum bread

Chamomile bread is a famous cake from France. The name of the cake comes from the shape of the cake blooming after baking, looking like a daisy flower.

Here is how to make chrysanthemum bread at home, invite you to refer to more delicious dishes to enjoy with your relatives.

Tools and materials for making chrysanthemum bread

Picture 1 of How to make delicious chrysanthemum bread

  1. 38gr unsalted animal butter.
  2. 80gr cream 30 - 35% fat.
  3. 40gr of fresh milk without sugar.
  4. 40gr of sugar.
  5. 3ml vanilla extract.
  6. 2gr salt.
  7. 2 chicken eggs.
  8. 260 - 300 grams of chewy flour (number 13).
  9. 5gr instant yeast.
  10. 20gr sliced ​​almonds for garnish (optional).
  11. 24 x 10 x 6cm loaf or equivalent molds (optional).
  12. The oven or microwave has a grill, oil-free fryer.

How to make chrysanthemum bread

Step 1: Put butter, whipped cream, fresh milk and sugar into a large bowl, then cook in a water bath. During the cooking process, stir continuously. When the ingredients are melted, all the ingredients are blended together, turn off the heat and let cool to about 30 - 35ºC (warm to the touch).

Step 2: Break 2 eggs into the bowl, just beat them lightly.

Step 3: Put 75g of beaten eggs into the bowl (the remaining eggs are kept to sweep the cake), 2g salt and vanilla in the cooled buttermilk mixture and mix well the ingredients.

Step 4: Add 130g of flour to the above mixture and continue to mix well until all ingredients are mixed. Then add 130g of flour and mix well.

Picture 2 of How to make delicious chrysanthemum bread

Step 5: Use a damp cloth to cover the surface of the bowl for 10-15 minutes, then continue mixing. If the dough gets wet, you can add more flour until it is slightly wet and sticky, not too sticky.

Step 6: Knead the dough by hand for 10-15 minutes. When the dough is fine, flexible and elastic, press on the dough and see that the dent is bulging again, then stop.

Note: If you have a flour mixer or bread maker you can use it so that the ingredients are even more evenly mixed. If using the machine, you should only keep on low speed and stuffing for about 5-7 minutes. When the dough turns into a smooth, supple mass is fine.

Step 7: Apply a thin layer of cooking oil to the bowl and add the flour. Flip the dough so that the entire outside of the dough is also covered with cooking oil. Cover with a damp cloth and incubate at room temperature for about 60 - 90 minutes, until the dough doubles.

Picture 3 of How to make delicious chrysanthemum bread

Step 8: When the dough has doubled, gently knead for 1-2 minutes and then shape the dough into a block, put in a bowl.

Step 9: Cover the flour incubation towel 2 times at room temperature until the dough doubles. If you have time, you can cover the dough with food wrap and keep it in the refrigerator for 2 - 2.5 hours (until the dough has doubled), it will be easier to shape and the cake will also taste better.

Step 9: After incubation, knead the dough for about 1 minute.

Step 10: Weigh and divide the dough into 3 strands of about 28-30 cm long to shape the chrysanthemum bread. Tet 3 strands like braids and then put in molds. If using a metal mold, before you put the powder in, you should apply a layer of non-stick first.

Picture 4 of How to make delicious chrysanthemum bread

Step 11: Cover the damp cloth again and incubate the dough at room temperature. When the flour is about 80% hatching.

Step 12: Turn on the oven at 175ºC, the 2-fire mode first.

Step 13: Add 1 teaspoon of water (5 ml) to the rest of the egg, stir and filter through the sieve. Sweep the eggs on the cake, place the sliced ​​almonds on top (if you like) then put in the oven, bake for 25 - 28 minutes.

How to make chamomile bread in an oil-free fryer

Turn on the oil-free fryer at 200 degrees C for about 5 minutes to preheat. Place the cake in the pot and bake at 160 degrees for 15 minutes. Then take the foil cover and bake for another 5 minutes and the cake is golden and soft.

Picture 5 of How to make delicious chrysanthemum bread

Ripe chrysanthemum bread can be stored for 2-3 days in a sealed plastic bag. Chamomile bread can be stored on the freezer for 2 months, when eaten and thawed in the refrigerator cooler.

Update 06 November 2020


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