How to Make a Snowball Explode in Minecraft Bedrock & Java Editon

Minecraft commands allow players to create many interesting effects and one interesting option is to make snowballs explode. Here is how to make snowballs explode in Minecraft.

Minecraft commands allow players to create many interesting effects and one interesting option is to make snowballs explode. Here is how to make snowballs explode in Minecraft .

Picture 1 of How to Make a Snowball Explode in Minecraft Bedrock & Java Editon

By setting up command blocks, you can track where snowballs fall and trigger explosions when they hit a surface. You can also customize the explosions by summoning entities like TNT, lightning, or fireballs to create different effects.

This tutorial will show you how to create exploding snowballs in Minecraft Bedrock and Java Editions. The setup is very simple but adds endless fun and excitement to your Minecraft world.

How to Make Exploding Snowballs in Minecraft Bedrock and Java Editions

To create exploding snowballs in Bedrock Edition, you will need a command block. First, type /give @s command_blockin the chat to receive a block. Place the command block in your world and set its properties to Repeat, Unconditional, and Always Active.

Set to Always Active to make the command run continuously. In the command block, enter this command:


execute at @e[type=snowball] except block ~ ~-1 ~ air run summon ender_crystal

This command keeps track of the position of each snowball. It checks if there is a solid block directly below the snowball (~ ~-1 ~).

This command creates a crystal that ends at the location of the snowball, causing an explosion. The result is a snowball that explodes upon hitting a surface.

How to Make Explosive Snowballs in Minecraft Java Edition

Picture 2 of How to Make a Snowball Explode in Minecraft Bedrock & Java Editon

In Java Edition, you also need a command block because this setup cannot be done through chat. To get a command block, type /give @s command_blockin chat.

Place a command block in your world and set it to Repeat, Unconditional, & Always Active so that the command runs continuously. Then enter this command inside the command block:

execute as @e[type=snowball] at @s except block ^ ^-1 ^ minecraft:air run summon minecraft:tnt ~ ~ ~

This causes the snowball to summon TNT when it hits a surface.

This command targets every snowball in the game and runs the command at its location. It checks if the block directly below the snowball is air using the except block ^ ^-1 ^ minecraft:air condition .

If the snowball hits a solid surface, the command will summon TNT at its location using run summon minecraft:tnt ~ ~ ~ , causing an explosion.

For more customization, you can replace TNT with other entities like lightning bolts or fireballs to create different effects. With this setup, every snowball you throw will explode when it hits a surface, making your game more fun and engaging.

Update 29 December 2024


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