How to fix the Circular Reference error in Excel
When processing an Excel data sheet, notice the Circular Reference error may appear in each cell or when the table has just been opened. In fact, this is not really an error on Excel but in the form of a notification, warning users with the main content has a loop in the calculation formula.
The loop in Excel calculations is basically not necessary when a round-the-clock calculation is required. So when a loop occurs, we always get a notification. However, some cases are required to use a loop, so depending on the situation we have ways to handle the above error message. The following article will summarize some ways to fix loop errors in Excel.
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Instructions to fix Circular Reference error in Excel
The loop error message on Excel has contents There is one or more circular references where a formula chỉ có một bộ nhớ của nó không thể direct hoặc indirectly. Có thể có thể tạo không đúng. Đang thử gỡ bỏ hoặc thay đổi các tham số, hoặc đang chuyển đổi các biểu thức đến các khác nhau
How to fix the Circular Reference error in Excel Picture 1
A loop error in Excel occurs when a formula in the cell references the correct cell. For example A1 = 25 + C1, B1 = 10 C1 = A1 + B1. Or you can track loop errors in the image below.
Round this table, you will see the formula in cell F7 referring to cell F7. Then the formulas used in cells D7, C11 and D11 will be discarded.
How to fix the Circular Reference error in Excel Picture 2
Step 1:
When a message occurs on us, we first click on the Formulas item and then click on Error Checking .
How to fix the Circular Reference error in Excel Picture 3
Step 2:
Display the menu list and click Circular References to check the formula, remove the loop references in the formula. You will immediately see the location of that loop error in the Excel table. After knowing the location you proceed to delete, transfer the formula, correct the reference in the formula.
How to fix the Circular Reference error in Excel Picture 4
So the loop error has been fixed.
How to fix the Circular Reference error in Excel Picture 5
In case the user is required to use a loop to calculate, it is also possible to set the maximum number of loops to use. Click File on the Excel interface and select Options in the menu to the left of the interface. Next in the new content click on the Formulas section .
How to fix the Circular Reference error in Excel Picture 6
Looking at the content on the right, users select Enable iterative calculation to use the repeat calculation. Under Maximum Iterations section is the maximum number of loops used. Click OK to save.
How to fix the Circular Reference error in Excel Picture 7
So using loop in Excel can also happen depending on the content of the Excel data you are processing. If you want to use a loop, you first need to enable the option to enable a loop in the Options interface in Excel.
I wish you all success!
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