How to fix blue screen Critical Service Failed on Windows
Critical Service Failed Error is a blue screen error that prevents Windows operating system from working. This error is usually caused by broken hardware or device driver problems. This article will show you how to fix blue screen Critical Service Failed on Windows.
How to fix blue screen Critical Service Failed on Windows
- The cause of the error
- 1. Incompatible device driver
- 2. File system is broken
- How to fix Critical Service Failed on Windows.
- 1. How to fix Critical Service Failed with Easy Recovery Essentials software.
- 2. How to fix Critical Service Failed on Windows XP
- 3. How to fix Critical Service Failed error on Windows Vista
- 4. How to fix Critical Service Failed on Windows 7
- 5. How to fix Critical Service Failed error on Windows 8, 10
This error code is usually displayed in the Technical Information section and its error name (Critical Service Failed) at the top of the screen. If the blue screen shows any of the following phrases, you need to find a way to fix Critical Service Failed:
- 0x0000005A
- STOP: 0x0000005A
The phrase 'CRITICAL_SERVICE_FAILED' usually does not display on the error screen, but the error code only 0x0000005A.
The error screen will look like this:
How to fix blue screen Critical Service Failed on Windows Picture 1
The text above the error screen may vary depending on the version of Windows you use, but it all points to the same 0x0000005A error.
The cause of the error
1. Incompatible device driver
The main cause of this error is that the device driver is broken or not updated. This may occur after Windows updates, disk read / write errors, system degradation.
2. File system is broken
Another cause of Critical Service Failed error is that the main system file is corrupted or lost. This often happens due to virus attack, power failure or drive read / write errors.
How to fix Critical Service Failed on Windows.
1. How to fix Critical Service Failed with Easy Recovery Essentials software.
Easy Recovery Essentials has an Automated Repair integration tool that can fix 0x0000005A errors. You can refer to how to do this in the article How to fix Winload.efi is missing on Windows.
2. How to fix Critical Service Failed on Windows XP
Method 1. Remove the hardware or uninstall the device driver.
The main cause of Critical Service Failed error is hardware or device driver that is incompatible with Windows XP system. If you recently installed hardware or device drivers, follow the steps below:
Step 1 . Remove the hardware from the computer and reboot the system. You can remove other peripherals such as scanners, printers, USB from the computer just for the keyboard and mouse, then restart the computer.
Step 2 . Boot into Safe Mode and uninstall the device driver. To boot into Safe Mode, refer to the article Starting Safe Mode on Windows XP.
How to fix blue screen Critical Service Failed on Windows Picture 2
Method 2. Run the chkdsk command
To run chkdsk, follow these steps:
Step 1 . Insert the Windows XP installation CD into the computer.
Step 2 . Restart the computer and boot from the CD.
Step 3 . Press the R key to open the Recovery Console .
Step 4 . Enter admin password.
Step 5 . On the Command Prompt that appears, type the following command and press Enter .
chkdsk C: / r
Replace C: with the Windows XP drive letter installed.
How to fix blue screen Critical Service Failed on Windows Picture 3
How to 3. Run the sfc command
- How to run SFC (System File Checker) Offline?
Similar to the above chkdsk command, the sfc command can fix 0x0000005A error on Windows XP. To run the sfc command, follow Steps 1 to 4 as above. 2. On the Command Prompt, enter the following command:
sfc / scannow / offbootdir = c: / offwindir = c: windows
Replace C: with the Windows XP installation drive letter.
3. How to fix Critical Service Failed error on Windows Vista
How to 1. Remove peripheral devices
If the above error is caused by a peripheral device (scanner, printer, USb drive, smartphone, tablet, etc.) that you have just installed on your computer, remove it but do not remove the keyboard and mouse, then restart the computer.
If using a laptop, remove it from the wall outlet if it is charging, do not use the battery, plug in the AC adapter and restart the computer.
Method 2. Access the Last Known Good Configuration mode
If the above does not solve the problem, try booting Windows Vista into Last Known Good Configuration mode. Follow these steps:
Step 1 . Restart the computer.
Step 2. After the BIOS screen appears, press the F8 key repeatedly before the Windows Vista logo appears.
Step 3 . When the boot menu appears, select Last Known Good Configuration (Advanced) .
Step 4 . Press Enter .
How to fix blue screen Critical Service Failed on Windows Picture 4
Method 3. Uninstall the driver
If 0x0000005A error is not caused by hardware failure, it may be due to device driver. If you recently installed the driver, uninstall it and restart the computer.
If you can't boot into Windows Vista due to a blue screen error, boot into Safe Mode and uninstall the driver.
To access Safe Mode, refer to the article "All About Windows Booting in Safe Mode".
How 4. Run Startup Repair
Windows Vista computers have a Startup Repair tool installed on the hard drive. If not installed, use the Windows Vista installation disc to access S ystem Recovery Options> Startup Repair .
To check if the system recovery tool is installed on the hard drive, follow the steps below:
Step 1. Restart the computer.
Step 2 . Press the F8 key as soon as the computer restarts, before the Windows Vista logo appears on the screen.
Step 3 . On the Advanced Boot Options menu, find the Repair your computer option .
Step 4 . If yes, select that option and press Enter .
If there is no system recovery tool on your computer, follow the steps below:
Step 1 . Restart the computer.
Step 2 . Plug the Windows Vista installation disc into your computer.
Step 3 . When you see Press any key to boot from CD or DVD . press any key to boot from CD / DVD.
Step 4 . Click Repair your computer on the Install now screen.
How to fix blue screen Critical Service Failed on Windows Picture 5
Step 5 . Select the operating system from the list that appears.
Step 6 . Click Startup Repair .
How to fix blue screen Critical Service Failed on Windows Picture 6
Step 7 . Follow the instructions on the screen.
4. How to fix Critical Service Failed on Windows 7
How to 1. Remove peripheral devices
Remove the peripheral devices and restart the computer.
Method 2. Boot into Last Known Good Configuration mode
How to fix blue screen Critical Service Failed on Windows Picture 7
Do the same thing as Method 2 on Windows Vista.
Method 3. Uninstall device driver
Uninstall incompatible drivers on Windows 7. Boot into Safe Mode and uninstall the driver. Refer to the article Enable Safe Mode in Windows 7.
Method 4. Use Startup Repair
How to fix blue screen Critical Service Failed on Windows Picture 8
Unlike Windows Vista, Windows 7 has the necessary system recovery tool on your hard drive to open the Startup Repair. Startup Repair automatically fixes non-booting problems of Windows 7. Refer to the article How to use the Startup Repair tool to troubleshoot problems in Windows 7.
5. How to fix Critical Service Failed error on Windows 8, 10
Method 1. Uninstall device driver
Unlike on Windows Vista and Windows 7, uninstalling incompatible device drivers can fix 0x0000005A error. To perform driver uninstallation on Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, Windows 10, access Safe Mode to uninstall the driver from Control Panel. Refer to the article Activating, using and disabling Safe Mode in Windows 8 and How to access Safe Mode Windows 10 on startup.
Method 2. Remove the hardware temporarily from the computer
If you recently plugged in the hardware or peripheral into the computer, remove it and restart your Windows 8 or Windows 10 computer.
I wish you all success!
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