How to Drive a Pontoon Boat

A pontoon boat is a great option if you like to relax on the water, do water sports, or go fishing. These boats have a wide, flat bottom, giving you more room on the boat to lounge, walk, and sit. Driving a pontoon boat is not too...

Part 1 of 3:

Pulling Away from the Dock and Taking Off

  1. Picture 1 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Make sure all passengers are wearing life jackets. Before you move the boat at all, check that all your passengers are wearing life jackets. In most states, it is the law that all passengers wear life jackets while on open waters. The life jackets should fit properly and be in working condition.[1]
    1. Children should be wearing specialized jackets meant for their age groups.
    2. You should also have a cushion on the boat that you can throw to someone in the water in the event they are in distress.
  2. Picture 2 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Check the fuel level and the radio on the boat. Make sure you have a full tank of gas in the boat, as this will ensure you can drive the boat on the water safely. You should also have a working radio system on the boat that you can use in the event of an emergency.[2]
    1. Make sure you also have your cellphone, fully charged, on hand so you can call for help or assistance if needed.
  3. Picture 3 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Secure all equipment on the boat. Check that items like fishing rods, wakeboards, coolers, and extra life jackets are all secure before starting the boat. You may use bungee cords to secure wakeboards and fishing rods. You can also push coolers against the sides of the boat so they are secure.[3]
  4. Picture 4 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Start the motor and allow the boat to idle for 1-5 minutes. Turn the motor to 'on.' Let the boat idle for several minutes so it can warm up. Check the manufacturer's instructions for the exact idle time needed for your boat.[4]
  5. Picture 5 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Trim the motor so it is in the water, but not too deep. The trim is how deep the motor on the boat sits in the water. There should be a 'Trim' button on the throttle. Make sure the button is set at a higher number so the motor is just in the water. This will make pulling out of the dock much smoother.[5]
    1. You can also check the manufacturer's instructions to see what the 'Trim' button should be set at on the throttle for pulling out of the dock.
    2. Never pull out with the motor trimmed all the way up, as this will cause the boat to kick up water and could damage the engine. The motor should be touching the water when you pull out.
  6. Picture 6 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Have a crew member untie the deck ropes as you put the throttle in 'reverse.' Ask someone on the boat to lean over the sides and undo the deck ropes so the boat is no longer tied down. As they release the deck ropes, gently shift the throttle in reverse so you can back out. Make sure the person has regained their balance and is sitting firmly in the boat before you reverse the boat.[6]
    1. Move the throttle slowly and with ease. Do not pull it in reverse too quickly, as this can cause you to lose control of the boat.
  7. Picture 7 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Back away slowly by pushing the throttle in short, controlled bursts. Look around you and behind you to make sure there are no obstructions, such as another boat or an animal. Then, back out of the dock slowly using short, controlled bursts on the throttle. Back out until you do not have any obstructions or boats in front of you or around you.[7]
  8. Picture 8 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Turn the steering wheel so the bow points in the direction you want to travel. You want your bow to be facing into the wind, as this will help the boat to navigate smoothly in the water.[8]
  9. Picture 9 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Shift into 'forward' and move the throttle forward. Increase your speed in increments until you are cruising at a reasonable pace. Do not push down on the throttle hard and move off too quickly, as this can cause you to those control of the boat.[9]
    1. Always make sure you check that there are no obstructions in front of you before you move forward.
Part 2 of 3:

Driving in Open Water

  1. Picture 10 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Keep the motor trimmed downward. Once you are in open water, adjust the 'Trim' button on the throttle so it is at a lower number. This will trim the engine downward, deeper into the water. Trimming the engine downward will prevent the bow from rising too high when you get going on the water.[10]
    1. Keep one hand on the throttle and the other hand on the steering wheel as you drive the boat. This will make it easier for you to maintain the trim and steer the boat.
  2. Picture 11 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Look 100 feet (30 m) ahead at all times. Be aware of your surroundings when you are in the boat. Scan the water ahead as you move forward. Use the side and back mirrors on the boat to check for any obstructions behind or to the side of the boat. This will ensure you are not at risk of hitting another boat, an animal, or driftwood in the water.[11]
    1. Before you make any turns or reverse the boat, double check your surroundings first.
  3. Picture 12 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Maintain equal weight on the bow and the stern. Make sure there are people sitting or standing on the front and the back of the boat when you are moving in the water. If you have to accelerate or increase your speed, check that there is equal weight on the bow and stern before you accelerate so the boat is not at risk of flooding.[12]
    1. When the boat is idle in open water, the weight distribution is not too much of an issue. Ideally, it should be equal on the bow and stern as much as possible.
  4. Picture 13 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Cruise at 4500 RPM or slower. Remember that boats do not have brakes, so you will need to maintain a cruising speed that is not too fast. Most pontoon boats should be kept at 4500 RPM in open waters. You can cruise at a lower speed if you want to conserve your fuel, at around 3000 to 3500 RPM.[13]
    1. A good rule of thumb is to accelerate gradually and maintain a speed that you feel you comfortable at. You should feel like you can easily slow down the boat at the cruising speed, if needed.
  5. Picture 14 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Plan your turns in advance. Turning a pontoon boat can be tricky, as the stern can fly sideways if the turns are too sharp. Look ahead in front of you and plan out your turns so you can make them in a gentle, sweeping motion.[14]
    1. Planning out the turns will also help you to avoid making sharp or sudden turns.
  6. Picture 15 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Turn the boat downwind at a medium speed. The wide shape of a pontoon boat can make turning into the wind difficult, as the boat may push against the wind and not get very far. You can turn more effectively by pointing the bow of the boat downwind, away from the direction of the wind, so the wind can help the boat to turn smoothly.[15]
    1. Make sure you are at a medium speed when you turn the pontoon. Turning at a very slow speed or a very fast speed can cause the boat to slide.
  7. Picture 16 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Warn your passengers before you make a sharp turn. Sometimes when you are driving the pontoon boat, you have to make a sharp turn. Sharp turns can cause the boat to lean and rock due to its shape. Before you make the turn, let your passengers know so they can make sure they have braced themselves against the boat or they are sitting in a secure position.[16]
    1. For example, you may yell, 'Sharp turn coming!' or 'This turn is sharp!' so your passengers have enough of a warning.
Part 3 of 3:

Docking the Pontoon

  1. Picture 17 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Slow down when you see the dock. Shift the throttle so you reduce your speed gradually as you spot the dock and move the boat towards it.
    1. Make sure you follow the harbor rules and slow down to the set speed limit around the dock or harbor.
  2. Picture 18 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Accelerate downward and shift into neutral as you approach the slip. Do not approach the slip at a fast speed, as you risk hitting the boat on the dock. Maintain a slow, even speed so you have just enough power to maneuver the boat into the spot.[17]
  3. Picture 19 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Turn the wheel so the center of the bow is pointing at the middle of the slip. Draw an imaginary line in an arc from the center of the bow to the middle of the slip. Try to keep your boat on this imaginary line as you turn the wheel. If the boat drifts to the left or right of the line, lightly move the wheel so it stays on the line.[18]
  4. Picture 20 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Shift to 'forward' as you turn. As you turn the wheel, gently shift the throttle forward so you can ease into the slip. Let momentum do most of the work so the boat can glide into the spot.[19]
  5. Picture 21 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Shift into 'reverse' to make small adjustments. If you end up slightly crooked or to one side in the slip, shift into 'reverse' and turn the wheel slightly to make adjustments. Try to get the center of the bow lined up with the middle of the slip as much as you can.[20]
    1. Be aware of the wind and the current as you make adjustments, as they can affect the movement of the boat. Try move with the wind or current so you can straighten out the boat properly.
  6. Picture 22 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Have a crew member jump on the dock and use the ropes to adjust the boat. If you are struggling to park the pontoon, ask a crew member to hop out and grab ahold of the ropes on the boat. Then, have them help you by dragging the boat into place using the ropes.[21]
    1. Direct the crew member as needed so you can get the pontoon straight in the slip.
  7. Picture 23 of How to Drive a Pontoon Boat
    Tie the pontoon up on the dock. Once the pontoon is properly docked in the slip, use the ropes to secure the pontoon to the dock. Use a cleat hitch or a bowline knot to tie the boat to the dock so it stays in place.[22]
Update 24 March 2020


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