How to Create and Lead a Clan in Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans is a fun and exciting game that allows players to build villages and attack other players' villages. You can also form a guild with many other players, making the game more coordinated and interesting. In addition, you are also allowed to donate soldiers to other members' guilds, receive soldiers to support attack or defense, and build a dominant empire. To have a good guild, you should consider leading the guild yourself. Are you ready for this?

Form a guild

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Spend some time experiencing the game before forming a clan . You should not start a new guild unless you are already fairly high level, such as experience level 40 and Town Hall level 9 or higher. If you haven't reached this level, no one will want to join your clan, and you will get into trouble and be teased. This is the negative side of this community, but you can avoid cyberbullying by joining another clan to start building your footing. Once you are familiar with the game, have a reasonable background and are quite good at it, create your own clan, take on a leadership and management role.

The general rule you need to remember is that a guild should be established when the main house reaches level 9 or higher. The reason is because if you lead a clan, you must have strong defensive and offensive capabilities, with upgraded fortresses and elite troops like Electro-Dragon.

Town houses level 8 and below are considered 'young' in Clash of Clans, and from level 9, elements such as the powerful Archer Queen will be unlocked, helping you become an admirable leader. When the main house reaches level 12, you can build Siege Machines to become a more 'formidable' leader.

Try joining another clan first. Leading a guild is not simple and you may not have enough experience; Therefore, joining another guild is a way to help you learn.

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Choose the type of guild you want to form. There are three basic types of guilds: Hardcore, Farming and Casual. Planning and attracting members for a new clan is easier when you have an overall strategy and operating plan.

The Hardcore guild, also known as Trophy Pushing, mainly emphasizes constant fighting. They almost always have back-to-back wars, and often don't stop, so you need to be willing to invest valuable time.

The Farming guild has opposing policies to Hardcore. This is a guild that rarely fights and usually only grows crops as their name suggests. The only advantage of joining this guild is having high-level soldiers to do the farming.

Casual or Hybrid guilds are a combination of the above two types, meaning they still have wars but not too often and spend most of their free time farming.

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Give your guild an impressive name. In order for your guild to gain new members, you need to name it in a way that attracts many people and makes them choose to join your guild among countless other names. A unique guild name will be the only name that shows up when players search with a certain keyword, so you need to avoid using a cliché or too common name.

Try to come up with a unique name, and avoid using a clan name like "The Clash Clan" (can't think of anything other than the game name?) or "The Great Clan" or "We Do War". Try to think if there is any other better name?

Refer to the most popular names and come up with a completely different name, such as one that recalls a clan from the Viking era. Choose a catchy and specific name, such as "Witchsmoke" or "Dragon Eye". What about "Green Valkyrie"? So you already have a 'cool' clan name.

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Create a special symbol for the clan. It's best to choose an icon that reminds you of the clan name. For example, if your clan's name is Fireworks Ahead, create an icon with a red background and orange lines. Make sure it's a memorable and prominent symbol that others recognize immediately. Impressive symbols also help you attract new members and scare your opponents.

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Add an interesting description to the guild. You should spend some time writing an informal guild introduction that provides basic information to other players. For example, if you want to lead an aggressive clan, mention that in the introduction. Likewise, you can also mention your goal of forming a friendly guild or farming when writing your introduction. Try to include enough information in the description so that prospective members know more about the clan, but don't make it too long and complicated to discourage regular members.

Some players mention their guild's rules in the description, and others choose to disseminate that information to each member after they join. You have the full right to decide what to do, because you are the leader of the guild!

Recruit members

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Set up a mode that allows everyone to participate. Finding enough members to be worth your effort may seem difficult at first, but waiting and being persistent will get you good results in the long run. The best way to help you increase the number of members of your clan is to set 'Anyone Can Join' to allow players to join without waiting for your review first. Perhaps some unsuitable people will join your clan, but you can always 'kick' them out afterwards.

Maybe your clan only has about 5 or 10 members over the course of a period of time, depending on your rank. The higher your ranking, the easier it will be for you to attract more participants. If you're having trouble recruiting members, be patient and recruit gradually by working your way up to level 20 - this is usually the breakthrough. More people will join your clan and the number will quickly increase to 50 or more.

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Be active so you can interact with the first members. If no one interacts with new members joining your clan, they will quickly leave. This can leave a 'stain' as many 'joined and left' notifications appear.

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Welcome strong members. Once you have a good foundation, you can change the setup and start picking strong players that help improve the clan. Make sure they have a relatively strong foundation and enough points. If you allow everyone to join, your guild will quickly have enough members but not good rankings. So, you should start building a good foundation with a small group of good players, instead of a large group with many new members who are just looking for a guild to join.

Some players like to give veteran status to the first few members, while others think this is an ineffective way. This usually only attracts 'opportunists' or players who want to join a guild for a short time and disappear. It's better to welcome and promote strong players who can help the guild grow instead of abandoning them.

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Invite players in the tournament to help you expand your clan and get off to the best start possible. You can also invite real-life friends to join your clan before they go their own way (if needed). Competing with close friends in the game will certainly be fun. You can also use the global chat function to introduce your aggressive clan, but you need to be cautious because many people may lie or even try to destroy the clan.

Try not to recruit 'opportunists' or people who can create a negative influence on your clan, unless you really need members. Many people in the global chat will want the title of clan elder or co-leader, and this can take the fun out of the game when they start abusing their power. Make wise decisions in promoting members.

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Advertisement. A popular way to advertise is to showcase your clan on the Clash of Clans Recruit Reddit forums, message boards, and other forms of chat to attract attention and recruit new members to the clan. You can even stipulate that each new member must introduce the clan in other places so that more people know and regularly have new members join.

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Prevent 'vandals' from entering the guild. You should feel happy every time you play Clash of Clans. If you often have trouble forming a guild, focus on recruiting talented members with positive attitudes, rather than 'saboteurs' who make other members feel bad. If any member causes trouble with teammates, is inactive or violates general principles, you can boldly kick them out of the clan.

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Ask good and powerful friends to help you build a clan. No matter whether that friend is TH4 or TH3, your first priority is to find a loyal teammate.

Build a powerful guild

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Provide strict but positive rules for the clan. Bylaws are an important part of a guild that help everyone work towards a common goal and give you a specific reason to 'kick' unsuitable people out of the guild. Give a warning that anyone who violates the rules will not be allowed to stay in the guild, and impose penalties in due time. Ignoring the mistake will cause it to happen again in the future. You need to be tough in leading the clan.

Make sure your rules are easy to understand and apply. Saying you will 'kick' 'lazy' people is confusing, and can weaken your position if members have different definitions of laziness. Be specific with your rules and warnings.

Some common rules include no swearing, everyone needs to use both types of attacks, and every member should spend a certain amount of time helping the clan achieve success in battle.

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Plan a strong defense . Good guilds all have one thing in common: they have powerful defense systems. Plan your defense in advance, and make sure you always have what you need for it. Mortars must always be near the main house and cannons are located on the perimeter. Only attack people weaker than you. The money you get for completing a single player mission is not worth the money you spend.

Place weapons and erect fences around the most valuable assets. You can also build a fence around the base to prevent being attacked by others. Besides, don't forget to place barracks, barracks and builders' tents around the defense base, and upgrade them continuously.

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Promote members wisely. Occasionally promoting members is important; otherwise, players will get bored of joining your clan and want to join a group with more responsibility. Award the title of veteran to members who are honest and active for at least one month. You can also give them the title of co-leader if they are trustworthy, or if you know them in real life. The next thing is to assign tasks to promoted members.

Don't promote members blindly, unless you're 'thirsty' for new members. The reason is because a few mischievous people will join the guild, become co-leaders, and kick everyone out of the guild. No one wants this to happen. Therefore, you should only reserve the co-leader position for people you know in real life to reduce the risk of encountering bad situations.

Invite passive members to leave the guild. Kick people who are inactive, don't participate in at least 2 or 3 consecutive wars, and don't contribute to the clan.

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Establish a good soldier contribution system. Require members to contribute a minimum number of soldiers each week and contribute an equivalent amount for clan development purposes.

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Take part in battles that your clan can win. The most important thing when being a clan leader is knowing your strength. A guild losing miserably can cause members to decide to leave to find another guild. What's better than overwhelming other guilds to win rewards, and give each member a reward of up to 600,000.

Discuss plans with members before going into battle, ask members to use two types of attacks, and discuss other specific strategies.

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Aggressive clans should participate in Clan War Leagues each month. This is a way to help members achieve League Medals - awards that can only be achieved when joining a guild.

Become a good leader

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Active and supportive. To maintain a clan, you must be active. Try to participate in the game every day and manage your guild properly.

When your clan goes into battle, you should remember to use the full range of attacks.

Make sure you have the maximum points an individual can achieve in Clan Games so everyone gets the benefits.

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Actively participate in the chat. Always be friendly and talk to members about clan rules and other topics, such as sports. Have members install a chat app, like Discord, so everyone can chat about clan wars without opening the in-game chat. This is also an effective leadership tool.

Listen to members' opinions, especially veteran members. Agree with members when possible, but don't forget that it's your job to make the final decision (when necessary).

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Set an example for members. Your guild will quickly lose many members if you do not do what you have set out to do. If you set a rule not to swear but you do it yourself, it's like you're lowering your honor. Show up on time, do what you promise, and follow the rules you set to be a good leader.

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Consider appointing co-leaders. Some players do not like to appoint co-leaders, and decide to take full control of the guild management. This helps them avoid being overthrown, as the co-leader takes control of the clan and kicks everyone out to start over. However, many other players think that appointing 3-4 trustworthy co-leaders with levels no more than 10 levels different from you is an effective management strategy.

If you choose to appoint a co-leader, make sure they have been with you for a long time and contribute a certain amount of troops to the clan. Please mention this in the rules so members understand the promotion process.

Give constructive comments. After giving a warning, you should review unsuccessful battles with your members and come up with solutions to help them improve the situation. For example, if someone uses the entire PEKKA army, you can advise them to try the entire dragon army in the next battle for greater effectiveness.

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Be patient . Your clan will not fight other clans immediately, and increases its chance of dominance after the first 15 minutes of activity. You need to prepare a long-term plan and wait while recruiting members. Give your new clan time to focus on establishing strong defenses and recruiting new members before going into battle. Surely you are very excited to go to war, but you need to wait until you have built a solid base and have enough members.

Don't rush to upgrade the main house. New players often rush to upgrade their base, which can make things worse. Instead, you should equip the necessary things, and then upgrade the main house.

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Equip as much as you can. Make sure you upgrade at least one of the Barracks and Dark Barracks to the maximum level for your base level, and do the same for the Spell Factory, Dark Spell Factory and Siege Machine. This is how to increase the number of troops, spells, and Siege Machines you can contribute to other users.

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Finally, build a core force. Once your guild has a significant number of members, appoint a few trusted advisors to ensure they don't leave the guild. Let them join the fight, contribute and request, and continue to add people to this core group. When the core group has about 15 members, you have successfully established a clan.

Update 04 November 2023


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