How to change VNPT WiFi password Picture 2
Face under WiFi modem HuaWei
After you have correctly identified your modem as Huawei, follow this instruction to change your WiFi password: How to change WiFi password modem HuaWei VNPT?
If the modem you are using is an iGate modem, you will see a stylized iGate written on the front (opposite of the antenna bearded face) of the modem as shown below.
Modem modems will have different colors, but the style is basically the same. When changing VNPT WiFi password, please remember to find the correct instruction to change the pass for iGate modem like this article: Instructions to change WiFi password iGate VNPT
Among modems, D-Link modems are quite recognizable. As soon as you look at the top of the modem you will see a D-Link printed clearly and neatly in the middle of the modem.
How to change VNPT WiFi password Picture 3
When you are sure that the modem you are using is D-Link, please follow the instructions in this article to change your WiFi VNPT password: How to change WiFi DLink password
Yes Telecom modem is also quite easy to identify with the letter Yes is stylized followed by Telecom right on the top of the modem, like the picture below.
How to change VNPT WiFi password Picture 4
If it is true that you are using Yes Telecom modem to play WiFi, then this is how to change the password: Instructions to change VNPT Yes Telecom WiFi password
In addition to the above modems, there are many other popular modems such as Tenda, TP-Link, Linksys, depending on the type of modem you are using, refer to how to change the WiFi password details in the corresponding article:
Depending on each modem, there is a specific requirement for setting a WiFi password, but usually a password cannot contain spaces and MUST include at least:
Do not set easy to guess, crack passwords, set strong and complicated passwords to avoid being used WiFi temple or hacked by hackers, eavesdrop on information.
Hope the article brings useful information for you.
See also: The best wifi transmitter, wifi modem, worth buying for you