How does the process of tooth decay take place?

What is tooth decay, how it affects health, how to form and what needs to be done to prevent tooth decay?

Tooth decay is one of the most common diseases today. According to statistics, about 80% of the world's population has tooth decay at all ages. Most people have cavities once in their lives. Tooth decay not only causes pain and also affects our health in the long term. If this is an issue that you face, be sure to check out dental solutions in sarasota fl.

So, what is tooth decay, how to affect health, how to form and what needs to be done to prevent tooth decay?

What is tooth decay?

Picture 1 of How does the process of tooth decay take place?

Tooth decay is the process by which bacteria contact and attack the tooth structure, causing the outer surface of the tooth to harden (tooth enamel). The bacteria then attach to the surface and attack the teeth, forming holes in the teeth.

Tooth decay does not appear suddenly but quietly takes place from year to year, from shallow to deep, from mild to severe. At first, you will not have any feelings but when you are severe, the pain will come fiercely, forcing you to ask the dentist for help.

What causes tooth decay?

According to experts, the cause of tooth decay is the food we still use to sustain life.

Human mouth contains hundreds of bacteria but not all bacteria are harmful. Besides other bacteria that are detrimental to health and harmful to teeth, there are also necessary bacteria that help our immune system work more efficiently.

Picture 2 of How does the process of tooth decay take place?

When you consume foods with sugars and starches (candy, soft drinks, cakes, milk, .), the bacteria that cause mutans streptococci will use sugar as an energy source and create acids attack enamel. Soluble or demineralized enamel.

Enamel is a hard, white protective layer that acts as a shield to protect teeth from damage. But enamel is not " iron wall", can not protect permanent teeth against the massive attack of these acids. Acid will neutralize minerals such as calcium and phosphate in tooth enamel, making them "weak". This process takes place slowly until very small holes are formed on the teeth, which is the starting point for tooth decay.

Picture 3 of How does the process of tooth decay take place?

When you first develop tooth decay, you will not feel any instability or pain. But when the balance between sugar consumption and tooth enamel is lost, the acids that make up the deep areas are black, you can feel the "strange" thing when eating hot, cold foods. . even pain when chewing food.

When the deep has entered the software of the tooth, it will grow faster. If left untreated to prevent it, the cavities will gradually advance to the marrow, causing severe pain.

When you have acute myelitis without treatment, your teeth will die, the more bacteria that cause the disease will be produced. Damaged pulp is not removed, causing infection to enter the bone, around the tip of the tooth, jaw bone causing swelling or inflammation of the jaw.

Ways to prevent tooth decay?

Picture 4 of How does the process of tooth decay take place?

  1. Avoid eating sweets, drinking plenty of water.
  2. Dental care: brush your teeth after every meal and floss daily.You can see the dentist how to properly brush your teeth here.
  3. Periodic dental examination to check teeth, early detection of teeth to take timely measures.
Update 25 March 2019


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