How does NVIDIA participate in the fight against COVID-19?

In the battle against COVID-19, NVIDIA has been making significant contributions in the research of solutions for preventing and treating viruses.

Recently, NVIDIA joined the COVID-19 High Performance Computing Consortium, which brings together leaders from the US government, industry and science to accelerate speed of developing effective methods for detecting and treating COVID-19, using the world's most powerful high-performance computing (HPC) resources.

Picture 1 of How does NVIDIA participate in the fight against COVID-19?

NVIDIA will support the researchers by providing access to 30 supercomputers with more than 400 petaflop computing performance. In addition, NVIDIA's team of experts will join a team of experts with expertise in many key areas, including AI, supercomputing, drug research, molecular dynamics, medical imaging and data analysis.

NVIDIA will be responsible for providing 3 resources to support the Association's research process, including:

Application of AI: NVIDIA brings expertise in AI to help the Association's scientific teams process more data faster to provide better insights in less time.

Application of scientific achievements: NVIDIA will provide professional research achievements in the field of molecular biology, medical imaging, fluid dynamics and imaging.

Optimizing computing on a large scale: NVIDIA will be responsible for optimizing the computing flow of supercomputers, in order to get the best power for research.

In addition, NVIDIA will also provide comprehensive software solutions so that AI applications can also maximize resources for research.

Update 08 April 2020


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