Fort Phoenix is ​​gradually being destroyed by Pokemon Go players

Pokemon Go game appears, motivating people to step out of the house with a strong belief that they will eat a lot of points. However, Pokemon Go is gradually destroying the lives of many other players as well as long-standing historical places.

Ever since the Pokemon Go game was released in the United States in July this year, players have discovered an unprecedented world! People go to parks, cities and even historical places to try to catch all " legendary Pokemon ". But sadly, like some games that encourage people to explore other cultures, Pokemon Go has created a monster that is slowly destroying one of the most important locations in America and in it, there are The first fortress in American history.

Picture 1 of Fort Phoenix is ​​gradually being destroyed by Pokemon Go players
The battle was recorded on Fairhaven beer at Fort Phoenix fortress.

May 13-14, 1775, the first sea battle of the American Revolution took place at the coast of Fairhaven, Massachusetts when local militia - under the direction of Nathaniel Pope and Daniel Egery, was captured. two British patrol boats at Buzzard Bay. Shortly after the match, the town proposes to build a fortress at Nolscot Point to protect their beloved coast. So Captain Benjamin Dillingham and Eleazer Hathaway built Fort Phoenix fortress in later years. The fortress was equipped with 11 cannons, some of which were seized by John Paul Jones. Unfortunately, the fortress was attacked and destroyed by the British - when attacking the harbor on September 5-6, 1778.

Picture 2 of Fort Phoenix is ​​gradually being destroyed by Pokemon Go players
Pokémon GO logo

The military marches internally along the west coast from the Acushnet River to Acushnet, then moves south through Fairhaven to Sconticut Neck. When the British army marched down the coast, they directed a group of 34 local militias under the direction of Timothy Ingraham. They burned the barracks, smashed the gun inventory and destroyed all the cannons. After the 1778 attack, the fortress was rebuilt and named Fort Phoenix - the name of a mythical bird rising from the ashes. Before the war in 1812, the fortress was extended by Sylvanus Thayer - who later became "N father of the Military Academy" at West Point. In June 1814, the fort resisted an early morning attack by the British at the dock from HMS Nimrod.

Picture 3 of Fort Phoenix is ​​gradually being destroyed by Pokemon Go players
Pokemon Go players must follow the game map and visit PokémonStops ( small circle access, purple ) or cubes ( blue ) - depending on distance and gym ( shown by a large tower).

Fort Phoenix Fortress was damaged during the Civil War by the cavalry army - who had a mission at the new Fort Fairhaven and Fort Taber in New Bedford City. Eight 11-kilogram ( 24-pound ) cannons were introduced during the early part of the war, with only five available. Finally, in 1876 the Fort Phoenix fortress was broken and not used anymore. It was revised after 350 years, when Lady Fairhaven bought it for the town in 1926. Since then, it has been maintained and used as a public park by the town, Fort Phoenix was succeeded in 1973. receive, named in the National Register of Historic Places Register ( English: NRHP ).

Picture 4 of Fort Phoenix is ​​gradually being destroyed by Pokemon Go players
Fort Phoenix, Fairhaven, Massachusetts

Unfortunately, this title was created to preserve the historic fortress, not destroy it. Fort Phoenix Fortress is under various influences - not heroic and brave damage due to the complete protection of the country and its past, but the damage caused by the local people.

Fort Phoenix Fortress defender said: " Damage is caused by Pokemon Go users." Gary Lavalette - a volunteer caretaker at Fairhaven fortress that is adjacent to the state of Rhode Island - says that many individuals have thrown away garbage, worsened the historical structure and were comfortable going to the toilet right there . "

Picture 5 of Fort Phoenix is ​​gradually being destroyed by Pokemon Go players

He replied on the WLNE-TV channel of the United States that: " A stone wall removed with a crowbar and parts of the property seem to be ruined because people dig small holes in the ground ". Fairhaven's historic committee also said: " Hundreds of Pokemon Go players regularly gather at the fortress at night, because rare Pokemon can be found there ." In the 1775s, Fort Phoenix hoped not to suffer further damage because it was a historic site, needed to be preserved in the best conditions to honor soldiers who fought for American independence.

Update 24 May 2019


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