Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 impresses with speed

Yesterday (March 13) Mozilla officially released a trial version of Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 that added new Javascript engine upgrades and personal browsing tools.

Yesterday (March 13) Mozilla officially released a trial version of Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 that adds new enhancements to Javascript engines and personal browsing tools .

It can be said Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 is a community version that has been delayed because it has been delayed too many times to overcome the problems arising in TraceMonkey - the new Javascript engine is integrated in this version of Firefox.

But due to being delayed for so long, Mozilla's leader decided to still launch Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 without using the TraceMonkey error. These errors will be fully fixed in the next beta version 4. It will be renamed to Firefox 3.5 Beta 4, which is expected to be released April 14.

Picture 1 of Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 impresses with speed
Mozilla also makes recommendations for general users. ' Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 is only a test version for user comments to further improve the future. Using this version, users may face a lot of incompatibilities with both the website and the additional application (add-on). '

Mozilla said only about 45% of the existing add-on applications are compatible with Beta 3. 34% is compatible with previous versions of Firefox 3.1.

The most noticeable upgrade in Beta 3 is the upgrade of personal browsing (Private Browsing Mode). With the Beta 3 version, users can instruct the browser to delete all access history for certain websites. Just right-click on the website in History and select ' Forget About This Site '.

Mozilla also said that TraceMonkey in Beta 3 has also been greatly improved to improve stability and performance. Beta 3 is also enhanced with a powerful Gecko 1.9.1 web rendering engine platform that greatly enhances operating speed.

Notably, the impressive performance of Beta 3 is not only thanks to the new Gecko version, but also thanks to the 'web work threads' - a new upgrade feature of Firefox 3.1 that allows developers control all Javascript activities running under the browser instead of running directly to force users to wait for results.

Earlier this week Mozilla also announced it would rename Firefox 3.1 to Firefox 3.5. Mozilla confirmed that Firefox 3.1 does not reflect all the changes that will be included in this version, so it decided to change its name.

Mozilla declined to reveal when it will release the official version of Firefox 3.5. Users can download Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 here .

Update 25 May 2019


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