Financial support corner: China currently has an application to help detect when debtors are near

Debt-based technology in China has grown to a new height, or it can be said that the current hot trend of 'debt-seeking 4.0'.

Debt-based technology in China has grown to a new height, or it can be said that the current hot trend of 'debt-seeking 4.0'.

With a population of about 1.4 billion people, organizations and banks in China understand that monitoring and managing each 'debtor' is extremely difficult and complex, so the initiative is about a dedicated application. , help detect debtors within a certain radius has been invested to develop.

Recently, the Supreme People's Court of Hebei Province, China issued software to support creditors in controlling their loans, named 'Debt Tracking Map'.This software will function as an add-on to the popular WeChat instant messaging application.It sounds weird and funny, but this is really an interesting software.

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In a way, the 'debt management' utility operates quite similar to Pokémon Go, but instead of trying to find and recover Pokemon, creditors will be told by the creditors when the debtor Their appearance appears within a radius of 500m (according to China Daily).

Picture 1 of Financial support corner: China currently has an application to help detect when debtors are near

Radar will automatically change color depending on the distance of the debtor in the scanning range.Red means that the debtor is very close, then orange, a little further, yellow and finally blue.Touch the debtor icon to reveal information about them, including your full name, gender, identity card number and also your home address.

The right to decide whether a debtor is able to repay the debt lies with the user.If you believe that the debtor is capable of repaying you, he deliberately avoids, begs, reports and puts the debtor on the list of 'bad debt', for proper sanctions. .Although it has just been released in experimental form, this application has been responded by "creditors" of enthusiasm.

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Picture 2 of Financial support corner: China currently has an application to help detect when debtors are near

According to Vox, the application could be part of the Black Mirror-esque "social credit" system, which allows Chinese lawmakers to punish citizens who violate civil-social laws, purses. For example, propagating fake news, avoiding military service, and especially bad debts.Citizens who violate the above rules and are subjected to too many "reports" are at risk of being deprived of certain rights and benefits, depending on their level of violation, such as prohibition of travel. for instance, a very unique management measure!

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Update 24 May 2019


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