Fiddlesticks DTCL season 8, Fiddlesticks Hac Hoa squad

Fiddlesticks appears in DTCL season 8 for 5 gold and is expected to be a Threat that deals strong damage at the end of the game.

Fiddlesticks appeared in DTCL season 8 for 5 gold and is expected to be a Threat card that causes strong damage at the end of the game. However, if he has a lot of health and teammates left, he will stand still like a scarecrow.

But when he uses his skills, he will drain the enemy's health very quickly, especially if a 1-star champion is within the range of Scarecrow's crow storm, it will be difficult to survive.

He can appear in many squads because he is not related to any clan in this season 8. However, you need to have a strong enough squad so that Fiddlesticks only needs to take care of his job, which is to finish off what's left of what your squad has caused before.

Stats, clan and skills Fiddlesticks DTCL season 8


Picture 1 of Fiddlesticks DTCL season 8, Fiddlesticks Hac Hoa squad

Black Chemistry

After starting the game, Fiddlesticks will not move at the beginning of combat and only when allies are defeated will Fiddlesticks absorb their souls and gain additional SMKN. Only after reaching 40% health or when all allies are defeated can Fiddlessticks move.

Picture 2 of Fiddlesticks DTCL season 8, Fiddlesticks Hac Hoa squad



The Danger Clan will not have any system-boosting effects, but the Danger generals will have stronger stats than other generals. It seems that the name Threat is just a title to identify the general of this Clan.

Obviously, Fiddlestick is like other Hazard champions as he can join any team he wants. Especially for formations that require damage, he can deal very effective magic damage even at 1 star level. As long as he has damage support items, he can do this.

Skills and stats

Picture 3 of Fiddlesticks DTCL season 8, Fiddlesticks Hac Hoa squad

  1. Cost: 5 gold
  2. Health: 1200/2160/3888
  3. Mana: 90
  4. Armor: 50
  5. Magic Resistance: 50
  6. DPS: 38/68/122
  7. Damage: 50/90/162
  8. Attack speed: 0.75
  9. Critical rate: 25%
  10. Scope: 1

Skill: Fiddlesticks teleports into the largest group of enemies and frightens them for 1/1/3 seconds. During the next seconds, Fiddle drains health from nearby enemies, dealing 110/165/2000 magic damage every 5/5/30 seconds and healing himself for 20% of the damage dealt.

Build Fiddlesticks season 8 DTCL

He will need a lot of Oversized Sticks because he is a champion that deals magic damage. Besides this top priority item, the scarecrow will need more Training Gloves, Giant Belt, Tears, and BF Sword.

The Demon Book is perhaps the most essential item for the scarecrow as he sweeps his opponents. As for support products that deal skill damage and magic damage such as Witch Hat, Angel's Scepter, Gemstone Gloves, Hand of Justice. Items like Lightning Crossbow and Shadow Cloak are also suitable as they cause disadvantage and help the scarecrow stay on the stage longer.

Picture 4 of Fiddlesticks DTCL season 8, Fiddlesticks Hac Hoa squad

Fiddlesticks season 8 DTCL lineup, build Fiddlesticks DTCL season 8


Picture 5 of Fiddlesticks DTCL season 8, Fiddlesticks Hac Hoa squad

Lovers support cumulative AP increases for the entire squad, so this is a suitable team that Fiddlesticks can "drift" into. He will rely on stacks from Lover to deal more damage.

Janna is a champion that many teams trust and use in the late game because buffs are given to many champions at the same time and her buff effects are very diverse. Syndra will be the champion that deals damage next to the Scarecrow. Before joining this team, you need to have a winning streak so that when you reach level 8 you still have money to roll Fiddlestick.

Guardian Army

Picture 6 of Fiddlesticks DTCL season 8, Fiddlesticks Hac Hoa squad

Ve Quan adds armor, Ho Cong adds magic resistance to all generals in the squad. Fiddlesticks will receive these effects and even though this team is all tank champions, except Leona, Fiddlesticks will still deal damage smoothly when the enemy team has received more or less damage from the champions in the top row.


A formation that is not recommended to be used, if so, it must be because you have 3 stars for a few Danger champions before. The main damage-dealing champions in the team before the scarecrow appears may be Aurelion Sol and Bel'Veth DTCL this season 8.

This is certain as these are two Threats that deal very effective damage at the end of the game. And these two guys don't use the same items, so you can flexibly combine and find items for both Bel'Veth and Aurelion Sol DTCL season 8 .

Picture 7 of Fiddlesticks DTCL season 8, Fiddlesticks Hac Hoa squad

In general, like many other Hazard champions, as long as you have enough appropriate items and a lot of stars, you can join any squad you want. But mainly there are still teams that lack damage or want to mutate damage towards the end to quickly drain the opponent's blood.

Update 29 November 2023


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