Examples of Revolutionary Technology that Can Help Your Business

The business owners and operators out there have a lot on their minds. If you're running a company, you probably wish that technology could help you. Any tech that can simplify your life should get daily use.

The business owners and operators out there have a lot on their minds. If you're running a company, you probably wish that technology could help you. Any tech that can simplify your life should get daily use.

Let's talk about some of the best tech you can get that will help your company succeed. You can get all this tech right now, and if you don't have it yet, you should strongly consider it.

Picture 1 of Examples of Revolutionary Technology that Can Help Your Business

The Cloud

The cloud means cloud computing. It's computer system resources on demand. You can get computing power and data storage with the cloud. You also won't have any direct, active management. That means your IT department, assuming you have one, can do other things instead.

If you buy into a cloud computing service, you can use its functions distributed over multiple locations. Each location serves as its own data center.

The cloud can help you, provided you don't let cloud sprawl occur. Cloud sprawl means your company lacks visibility over your cloud providers, services, or instances. If you mismanage your cloud resources, this can happen.

Assuming you don't let cloud sprawl take place, using this tech can help your company a great deal. You can simplify your computing power and get better data storage capabilities.

Your Company's Website

You should know that nearly all companies have websites in 2023. You can't just throw one together and hope it works for you, though. The best companies craft their websites very carefully before taking them live.

You should get a website designer with whom you can work closely before you launch the site. You should tell them what theme the site should feature, including the colors and graphics they'll use. You should have them include a landing page with social media buttons, an 'about us' section, product pages, a company blog, etc.

If you neglect these features, you won't have what a potential customer would expect when they visit a modern company's site. You should also make sure the website has excellent UX. UX means the site's user experience. The customer should navigate the site with no major issues.

Having a modern website means using technology that shows your company in the best possible light.


You can showcase some additional tech on your site. For instance, you might have a chatbot there for customer interactions.

In the old days, you needed human workers active on your site twenty-four hours a day, seven days per week. If anyone had a question, these workers could give them an immediate response. That way, you would not miss a sale.

These days, you can have a chatbot answer the most common questions someone will ask via the site instead. You can program the chatbot so that it can answer most questions someone asks, but if it doesn't know an answer, it can pass the potential client off so that a human can answer them.

By doing this, you need far fewer human employees standing by to answer questions when necessary. Your workers can do other things instead.

PPC Advertising

You can use PPC advertising online. The technology behind it helps your company get more sales. PPC advertising lets your ads show up only when someone searches Google using particular terms that you stipulate. If they search for keywords in your niche, your ads can pop up.

The person can click on those ads, and they'll find your website that way. You can use an algorithm that only lets your ads show up when someone uses the right keywords. That means they want the particular products you sell or services you offer.

You pay a nominal fee when someone clicks the ad, but by reaching your website, they're within your sales funnel. That makes a conversion, or a sale, much more likely.

Apple Pay

If you have brick-and-mortar store locations, you can set up pay terminals at the registers where people can use Apple Pay when they make purchases. If you allow Apple Pay, individuals can use their phones for payment and not bother pulling out their credit cards.

Many people don't like credit card payments anymore. They prefer tapping their phone against a pay terminal and making the sale quickly and easily that way.

The more tech you use in your business, the more likely you can get new customers and keep the old ones coming back. Technology can help you, and when something new comes out, you should embrace it.

Update 21 March 2023


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