Error opening XML file in the wrong format and how to fix the error effectively

The error of opening a malformed XML file is the situation that TipsMake will mention in today's article.

The error of opening a malformed XML file is the situation that TipsMake will mention in today's article. If you are having trouble with this problem, please refer to the information I provided immediately!

For many of you, XML files may be a bit strange or even unknown. In fact, XML file stands for Extensible Markup Language and is also known by a familiar name as extensible markup language. Simply put, an XML file is a plain text file that uses custom tags to describe the structure or other features of the document.

To open XML files, users often use iTaxViewer. Reading this file is not too difficult, but sometimes there are some problems. Currently, many users encounter errors in opening malformed XML files . TipsMake will help you fix this problem.

Error opening XML file in the wrong format and how to fix the error effectively Picture 1Error opening XML file in the wrong format and how to fix the error effectively Picture 1

Instructions on how to fix the error of opening malformed XML files in a flash

The XML file does not exist, malformed error is mainly due to the user naming the file or folder incorrectly. Therefore, the way to fix this situation is not too complicated, so don't worry.

Fix iTaxViewer incorrect file format error

As I shared above, the profile file is not in the correct format mainly because the file name is not set correctly. Because if the file name or folder containing the file is in Vietnamese with accents, or has special characters. In addition, XML files containing special characters are also 'culprits' causing malformed errors.

So, what users need to do is check to see if their XML file contains special characters or not? At the same time, review the file name and folder name containing the XML file. When naming the XML file as well as the folder containing it, you need to ensure the following principles:

  1. Name with normal letters without accents.
  2. Do not contain special characters when naming files.
  3. Name the XML file at least 6 characters.

Error opening XML file in the wrong format and how to fix the error effectively Picture 3Error opening XML file in the wrong format and how to fix the error effectively Picture 3

>> To rename the file, right-click on the XML file > Select Rename .

Fix some situations where other XML files cannot be opened

Besides the above reasons, there are also many cases that cause the error of not being able to open XML files as follows:

  1. Incorrect version error or file encryption: In this case, you need to make sure to install iTaxViewer with the latest version, name the file and folder containing the file correctly, not too long.
  2. We cannot rule out the possibility that the XML file is not compatible with the new iTaxViewer version. Try deleting the XML file, download it again and test. In addition, there are also cases where the XML file is corrupted, try opening another XML file to review.
  3. If you still cannot read the XML file, try opening the file with other software such as: Using the online software CodeBeautify, using a web browser, or using Notepad, for example.

The error of opening an improperly formatted XML file is not too difficult to fix. Hopefully my measures will help you fix the error quickly.

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