Eating disorders can cause serious health problems

Eating disorders in adolescents, both men and women, can have long-term side effects to their mental and physical health, a new finding has just been published.

Eating disorders in adolescents, both men and women, can have long-term side effects to their mental and physical health, a new finding has just been published.

The eating behavior of a person will cause serious consequences if the person arbitrarily cuts down the meal including counting calories and sugary foods.

Such people follow an overly strict diet and often consider themselves in overly eating habits, or overeating, too restrictive, regardless of how they feel. To achieve a weight loss, there are significant consequences.

Picture 1 of Eating disorders can cause serious health problems

The study published in the European Eating Disorders Review reports that eating disorders can lead to higher body weight, greater waist circumference and lower psychological health as well as lower levels of health. generally in later life.

Ulla Kärkkäinen, a researcher at the University of Helsinki, Finland, said: " Insomnia is harmful to the physical and mental health of young people both in the short and long term . "

" Previous studies have shown that low psychological levels and low health self-esteem are factors that predict higher levels of susceptibility to illness and death in these people. This long-term negative effect, we must recognize the disorders of eating these people early and directly adjust it '- Kärkkäinen added.

Researchers studied over 4,900 young men and women and asked them about their eating behavior, weight, health and psychology.

The results show that the proportion of women and men having lower health psychology after 10 years of evaluation.

Previous studies have shown that eating disorders are more common in women than men because they tend to care more about their bodies in every way they can.

See more:

  1. To stay healthy by eating, you must adhere to the formula "4 less, 4 more"
  2. Finding a new gene can join to cause anxiety disorder
  3. As a busy person, don't skip the 9 "simple but healthy" eating principles below!
Update 24 May 2019


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