Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes!

Surely you will feel comfortable and confident if you wake up every day with a body full of life and health, right? If you want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes!
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Clean fruit juice . Low-carb diets - just limit the absolute amount of sugar, starch in the diet, the rest eat unlimited protein ( meat, beans, eggs . ) and fat ( oil, fat, butter . ) . Superfood - superfoods ( special foods with high levels of vitamins, minerals and plant bioactive substances ). Nutrition secrets are often " fake " in health or medical advice everywhere.

Today, nutritional needs are a matter of daily concern and concern because everyone wants to bring themselves a healthy, safe food regime. Surely you will feel comfortable and confident if you wake up every day with a body full of life and health, right? But not always, you will easily fall into the trap if you believe that there will be a " magic method" that helps detoxify the body, lose weight, and manage cholesterol easily.

Below is the story of nutrition experts and health coaches from Blue Cross of Blue Shield of Michigan, and shared by Frida Harju - nutrition expert at Lifesum that will help us better understand what How that " magic method " can be harmful to your health. If you want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes!

1. Is activated carbon a super food?

Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 1Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 1 Eat or even brush your teeth with emerging activated carbon as a trend toward recent food.Image source: showcake / Shutterstock

Activated carbon is not a super food but you should completely trust it.

' Although activated carbon is known for its absorption and health benefits, it can also impair the transmission system of good nutrients that the body needs to absorb. Not only that, activated carbon supplements also have the side effect of reducing the effectiveness of the drug we are taking , ' Derocha said.

2. Abuse of artificial sweeteners

Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 2Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 2 The commonly used artificial sweetener is because people believe they have little sugar or even no sugar at all.Photo source: Steve Snodgrass / Flickr

When it comes to artificial sweeteners, dietitian Derocha said: " Artificial sweeteners made from many substances are highly processed chemicals and most of them are harmful to the body. Most of the body humans do not react well, so they can cause digestive problems, even causing headaches ".

To address dependence on artificial sweeteners, nutritionist Derocha recommends adding a little honey, syrup agave or stevia root ( not packaged ) to replace your meal.

3. Is Carb a nutritionist?

Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 3Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 3 A gluten-free and low-carb diet is one of the most misunderstood health requirements in recent times.Photo source: Lithiumphoto / Shutterstock

Although we all believe that gluten-free diet is a bad idea, Decora nutritionist insists that not all types of carb are the same . Complex carb types found in whole grains or barley have a good fiber and nutrient content; Also the type of carb simply contained in white rice or bread is the cause of the disease as well as problems due to lack of nutrients.

4. Is appetite because you are lacking in nutrients?

Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 4Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 4 When you feel craving for meat or milk, maybe your body is trying to tell you something.Photo source: Photo and Share CC / Flickr

It is difficult to conclude that appetite is related to the problem of nutrient deficiency in the body. However, according to dietitian Derocha: " Usually when we mention it when we justify wanting to eat some familiar dish, actually the 'appetite' expression is due to lose water in the body, so that it doesn't happen, immediately rehydrate the body " .

5. Dinner after 6 hours is not good for health?

Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 5Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 5 It is not advisable to eat before going to bed for at least 3 hours and dinner should be gentle.Photo source: Photobucket / Shutterstock

This is extremely popular and is known to everyone as an obvious fact. Honestly speaking, our bodies don't know what time is, even if you eat at 6 or 7 pm is the same.What your body notices is how many calories you have loaded . Therefore, instead of setting the time to enjoy the food, you should cut the volume and divide it into smaller meals that will be better.

Currently, we often go to sleep later than the old tools, so the schedule of activities also changes compared to previous generations. Therefore, if you leave your body to starve unnecessarily, it will also harm your health.

6. Eating fat only makes us fat?

Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 6Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 6 Image source: dulezidar / iStock

In recent decades, fat has always been considered an enemy of nutrition. However, recently it seems that we have recognized the positive aspects that fat brings to the human body.

Fat is an essential element in our diet because the body cannot process some vitamins without the help of fat in dissolving them. It is important that we do not remove all the fat in our daily diet.

Instead, know the difference between good fats and unhealthy fats . Dietitians recommend that we use fats like olive oil, fish oil, butter and nuts to be healthy.

7. Will fruits and vegetables lose nutrients after being refrigerated?

Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 7Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 7 Fruits and vegetables will lose nutrients after you put them in the fridge, you have heard.Photo source: bonchan / Shutterstock

Fresh food is not always better than frozen , sometimes fresh products carry more nutrients, but often they lose some by exposure to oxygen and sunlight. Therefore, a smart choice when shopping is to buy frozen foods when fresh produce is not in season and not as fresh as usual.

Moreover, modern refrigeration technology of refrigerators today can preserve the nutrients of all your products and foods.

8. Fruit juice helps purify the body?

Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 8Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 8 Photo source: Iudina Ekaterina / Shutterstock

According to nutrition experts, the use of fruit juice thoroughly in the diet every day can cause serious effects, because when used they will lose important nutrients and calories to go to the vegetarian diet. That is why you can lose weight quickly when doing " detox " mode.

The best way to purify your body is to consume nutritious foods, keep your daily activities intact, and increase your control of supplemental drinking water during the day.

9. Drink 8 glasses of water every day

Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 9Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 9 The "8 glasses of water a day" spell is a great recipe that few people can do.Photo source: Stockphotosforfree / Flickr

" The human body needs a significant amount of water to survive and grow, but there are different ways to keep water next to pure H2O. We can add the necessary liquid from other drinks, such as tea, coffee, fruit and vegetables , "said Harju expert.

10. Should I eat 7 small meals a day?

Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 10Want a proper diet, don't ignore these 10 serious mistakes! Picture 10 No scientific research has shown that breaking up your meals will help you lose weight.Image source: pixelbliss / Shuttersto

We often assume that each person should eat small meals or divide time to eat snacks instead of eating three meals a day. However, each person will have a different absorption mechanism so this is not the case. Better yet, you should divide the amount of food appropriately and never skip meals.

Currently no scientific research has proven that breaking up your meals will help you lose weight. Enzymes secreted during digestion can process substances once. People who follow a small weight loss diet are because they are cautious about picking and reducing their diets at the same time.

See also: 7 common errors are common when losing weight

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