DriverHub, a free application that helps to handle missing drivers

DriverHub is the application that provides the latest version of the official driver from the company to help users to solve the situation of unstable operation, hang up due to lack of driver problem, driver error caused.

DriverHub is the application that provides the latest version of the official driver from the company to help users to solve the situation of unstable operation, hang up due to lack of driver problem, driver error caused.

DriverHub is a completely free application, simple interface and easy to use.

DriverHub is compatible with Windows 7/8/10 and it is important that this application is completely free, there is no FREE version of PRO version.

How to download and use DriverHub

Step 1: Visit the link below to download and install DriverHub application.

Step 2: Install.

Step 3: Open the application. Click Find now to start scanning the system and give a list of drivers to update.

DriverHub, a free application that helps to handle missing drivers Picture 1DriverHub, a free application that helps to handle missing drivers Picture 1

Step 4: After the scan is complete, a list of drivers will appear.

If you want to update all the drivers in the list, click the Install button.

DriverHub, a free application that helps to handle missing drivers Picture 2DriverHub, a free application that helps to handle missing drivers Picture 2

To select each driver you want to update, you switch from Simple mode to Advanced mode -> select the item to install -> click Install .

DriverHub, a free application that helps to handle missing drivers Picture 3DriverHub, a free application that helps to handle missing drivers Picture 3

Step 5: To restore the old driver, you can click on the Recovery tab -> select the newly installed driver -> click the Restore item.

DriverHub, a free application that helps to handle missing drivers Picture 4DriverHub, a free application that helps to handle missing drivers Picture 4

The drivers after downloading are saved on the computer, to go straight to the storage driver file, click the Download history tab -> select the installed driver -> select Open folder .

DriverHub, a free application that helps to handle missing drivers Picture 5DriverHub, a free application that helps to handle missing drivers Picture 5

See more:

  1. How to use 3DP Chip to update or install missing drivers for the computer
  2. How to use Driver Talent for free driver updates
  3. The best driver update software for computers
  4. How to update genuine automatic drivers for Dell laptops
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