Don't use the phone anymore, it's AI's time!

No longer plugging in the screen, we're turning to other things.

As more and more people are concerned about addiction to using electronic devices, plugging into the screen too much, technology companies work together what no one else had thought of before: creating features that make users no longer want to use their service anymore.

Google is the latest technology company to join this strange trend when it announced that the upcoming Android P update will have many changes to reduce the impact of things that make us addicted to phones.

The phone will politely remind you when you have spent too much time using it, automatically switching to 'Do Not Disturb' mode when needed, focusing on 'meaningful' things (even if you don't know exactly What is meaningful?

But looking at what Google says about its products, many people may wonder if what they're doing is just turning our attention from one thing to another? Because at the time of preaching about seeing fewer screens, increasing the 'meaningful' experience, Google's vision is to let AI automate a lot of other jobs. And that is even more addictive than any application.

Sooner or later, Google will make us think that things are boring and repetitive in life with AI. Need to edit photos? Google Photos will know what to do. Tired of searching for directions or emailing? There is Gmail here. What is the most basic thing like making a phone call? Google Assistant has just learned to speak like a person. Also driving on the road? Waymo, a company also owned by Alphabet, has a car you need.

Picture 1 of Don't use the phone anymore, it's AI's time!

Mr. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, spoke at the Google I / O 2018 event

We are still in the early days of the world where 'AI is a leader'. Any manager at Google will say that what you see today is just the beginning. Essentially there is nothing bad. If Google automates boring things, we can spend time on other things.

But to get that comfort, we're actually more dependent on Google. Do you think I'm addicted to technology now? What if it really became a personal assistant?

It is probably true that it will take less time to look at the device screen, but that does not mean it will lessen Google addiction.

See more:

  1. Google AI can help you change the background of . 100 different frames in a second
  2. This is why Alexa will dominate every smart home
  3. Google CEO Sundar Pichai compares important AI like electricity and fire
  4. AI can take away the job but will bring a better life
Update 24 May 2019


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