DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel

The following article details the DB function - The function of depreciation of assets with specific maturity with the use of the method of calculating the declining balance by fixed level.

In the process of using and investing in technical equipment, you must consider the cost and calculate the cost of depreciation of assets when in use. The following article details the DB function - The function of depreciation of assets with specific maturity with the use of the method of calculating the declining balance by fixed level.

Description: The function of calculating depreciation of assets with specific maturity using the method of calculating the declining balance by fixed level.

Syntax: DB (cost, salvage, life, period, [month]) .


- cost : The initial cost of the property, required parameters.

- salvage : The recovery value of the property or the depreciation value of the asset, is a required parameter.

- Life : The number of depreciation periods of the property, also known as the useful life of the property, is the required parameter.

- Period : The period you want to calculate the depreciation, is a mandatory parameter and must have the same life unit.

- Month : Number of months counted in the first year, is an optional parameter if omitted the default value is 12.


- In the first and last DB function, use a special formula different from other periods:

+ The first period is calculated by the formula: DB = cost * rate * month / 12.

+ The last period is calculated by the formula: DB = (cost - total depreciation of previous periods) * rate * (12-month)) / 12.

For example:

With the following data table:

DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 1DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 1


- Calculating depreciation of assets in the first year.

- Calculating depreciation of assets in the second year.

- Calculating depreciation of assets in the fifth year, for 6 months.

- Calculating depreciation of assets in the first year.

In the cell to calculate enter the formula: = DB (D5, D6, D7,1) .

DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 2DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 2


DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 3DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 3

- Calculating depreciation of assets in the second year.

In the cell to calculate enter the formula: = DB (D5, D6, D7,2) .

DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 4DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 4


DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 5DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 5

- Calculating depreciation of assets in the 5th year, for 6 months.

In the cell to calculate enter the formula: = DB (D5, D6, D7,5,6) .

DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 6DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 6


DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 7DB function - The function calculates the depreciation of assets with specific maturity in Excel Picture 7

Through 3 values ​​over the years, the depreciation value of assets has decreased over the years. Hope to help you identify and take reasonable measures when using the property.

Good luck!

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