David Beckham in this video can speak 9 languages ​​but that makes the viewer panic

Not the dangers that this handsome guy said to make viewers panic but for other reasons.

In the video of the Malaria Must Die campaign by RG / A, Ridley Scott Associates and Synthesia produced, former legendary David Beckham appeared and talked about the danger of malaria by 9 The language scared many viewers.

Not the dangers that this handsome guy said to make viewers panic but for other reasons. That's because in real life Beckham is not so good at foreign languages, everything in the video is created by an AI called Deepfake.

Picture 1 of David Beckham in this video can speak 9 languages ​​but that makes the viewer panic

Deepfake is an AI technology capable of imposing one person's image on another. Even many people believe that using Deepfake creates videos easier than video recording as usual.

To be able to create a video depicting David Beckham about the dangers of malaria in the 9 languages ​​above, producers just need to edit the content available with Deepfake technology instead of going back to David Beckham.

Rasmussen, founder of Synthesia, said that creating video based on this technology Deepfakes will save costs and production time.

However, many viewers who finished the video expressed concerns about the moral aspect of the video. Prior to viewers' feedback, Synthesia said they had moral codes and only conducted production when allowed by the characters.

Update 23 May 2019


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