Create your own portal on Netvibes

Thanks to the convenience and quickness of providing information on the Internet, services like Craigslist, Digg, Flickr and YouTube have quickly overwhelmed the media, radio and television media. However, information on

Thanks to the convenience and quickness of providing information on the Internet, services like Craigslist, Digg, Flickr and YouTube have quickly overwhelmed the media, radio and television media. However, information on the Internet has a noticeable flaw, which is dispersion. Although most new browsers have modern features such as multi-page simultaneous viewing (tabbed interface), support for RSS services for readers to keep up with the latest information.

Still not satisfied, netizens want to have a useful tool capable of collecting and aggregating all the different sources of information from their favorite websites. iGoogle (, My Yahoo (, Windows Live ( and other personal websites can incorporate RSS feeds, emails, widgets and other The search appliance enters a customizable interface - this means that the tool must know how to present collected information in a user-defined order. There are now several websites that offer this feature, such as Netvibes.

The Netvibes service allows users to share personal web pages with people, aggregating new information from multiple sources to create a comprehensive newsletter. You can easily create your own Netvibes homepage by visiting, click the " Register now " link and follow the instructions. Netvibes uses your email address as your username, so it's best to use a different password with your mailbox manager password.

If Netvibes does not list the RSS feeds you are interested in, manually add them in the following way: access the website address that contains a link to the RSS feed, right-click the link that provides the RSS feed, select Copy Shortcut (IE7) or Copy Link Location (FireFox). Go back to the open Netvibes page, click the Add a feed link in the upper left corner of the window, then paste (Ctrl-V) the address of the RSS feed into the Address section, finally click the Add button. Some websites that offer RSS feeds also require you to declare personal information and set parameters such as the number of newsletters, usernames, passwords, etc.

About how to present information, Netvibes allows users to arrange and add as they wish. For example, if you want to prioritize the site area for RSS newsletters, you can remove unnecessary items such as web page titles, search dialog boxes. To do the following, click the Settings link located at the top right of the page (below the New features section), select General Setting , uncheck the Display page title and Display search area items , then click Done .

You can also create your own widgets if you know JavaScript programming. In addition, Netvibes also allows users to decorate the site to make it more eye-catching by adjusting the Themes and Wallpapers values ​​in the Settings section. If you don't like the themes or wallpapers provided by Netvibes, you can create them yourself ( Settings > Themes > Create my own theme ) and then declare the appropriate parameters for Netvibes to use.

Picture 1 of Create your own portal on Netvibes

Customize your personal Netvibes page with wallpapers or other changes via the options under the Settings tab

Thu Van

Update 25 May 2019


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