Create Weblog / Blog

In the 1990s, Grunge music was a phenomenon. And in the first decade of the 21st century, Blogging is one of the things that people mention most. Nothing shows the simple and unlimited communication nature of the Internet over tea

In the 1990s, Grunge music was a phenomenon. And in the first decade of the 21st century, Blogging is one of the things that people mention most. Nothing shows the simple and unlimited communication nature of the Internet more than the weblog trend. Forget millions of commercial websites and what can compare with the freedom to express ideas, emotions, or whatever you want to reach millions of viewers all over the world?

A Weblog, or Blog for short, is a regularly updated online information page, organized by date and contains whatever the owner creates it wants information. It can be said that blogs are simple personal non-commercial websites. Today, blogs have become a popular communication tool like instant message service, which is a trend of the times. Regardless of whether it is used as an online diary, a political freedom forum or simply a place to express emotions and views, blogs have become a widely accepted trend in the commune. Assembly and a means for people to communicate to the world.

Just like any site on the Internet, a weblog needs to have an IP address (such as and a DNS domain name (eg ) to display online marketing. This means that a blog site needs to be hosted on a web server like any other website.

The most important difference between a blog and a website is that the blog usually consists of only one page with the majority content being text. It only takes up a very small amount on the web server and also means that it is created and updated very easily.

This makes a lot of free blogging services available, including hosting (either with ads or not) and support software so you can easily update your blog without having knowledge. about HTML. Many services also support indexing tools to help you get the readers' attention to your blog. And then, you can freely write or express whatever you want.

Create a private blog

The first thing you need to keep in mind when creating a weblog is to build an 'action plan'. You have to answer the questions: What are you going to write about? Usually? Why would anyone read it and do you care? It may sound theoretical, but without such a plan, your blog may not last long. The enthusiasm and concentration will be important factors. If you plan to communicate with your friends through the blog, make sure they are also members of the service you are using.

Once you've built a directional plan, it's time to think about where and how your blog will be hosted and updated.

Get started with a list of free blogging services and tools. You may consider the following names: Perhaps this is the most free and easy-to-use free service. One of Blogger's important additional services is the support feature for third-party blog sites, you can set up and update a weblog on your own website via Blogger. You will not be limited to using hosting services of any vendor. A blog site provides hosting and free updates using the available interface. Livejournal is more community-oriented than, but weaker in flexibility. This site provides a message board that allows people to respond to messages on your blog.

http:///www, Similar to Livejournal, but has a more complex interface and has more options. Allow readers to comment and subscribe to be notified when you update the blog.

Create a blog with Blogger

Picture 1 of Create Weblog / Blog
If this is the first time you set up a blog, consider how simple and fast you can by using the built-in tools and free hosting services (with ads) on http:/// You can choose any service you want, but most of them are basically the same, so we'll focus on Blogger as a typical example.

Go to, click the ' Start now' button . Type in your information and continue.

You will be asked to enter the title and general description for the blog. This information will appear at the top of the page in the browser window. The public / private option allows you to decide whether or not a blog is listed on the Blogger website.

On the next page, you can choose to allow host weblog or enter information about your own web server. If you already have a webhosting service, skip to the step to use the FTP server later.

If not, select ' Host it at Blogspot' and continue ' Choosing a URL and template' .

Use FTP option

If you are using a webhosting service, or you have your own web server, you can use to create and update your website.

First, you need to enter the FTP server name and the path to the address that Blogger will transfer to. Usually, it is a website address that does not include the phrase 'http:///' (eg ).

You will also have to enter the URL (such as ) and the name of the HTML file you want to save the blog. If the blog is the only content of your website, this file name will be 'index.html'.

Choose URL and format for weblog

If you choose to host, you need to choose an Internet address with the following form: http:/// www. (Whateveryoutype) . When typing this address in the browser, your blog will be displayed.

The final step is to choose a blog template. Choose the template you want or you can change it later if you want. Next, your blog has been created and you will want to release the first message.

The first message

In the content box, you can type whatever you want. Select ' Preview post ' to preview before clicking ' Publish your post '.

Congratulation! You already have the first message posted on your new blog (and also your first blog message). If you just want to simply see the new message, you can access the blog address. However, if you want to edit, you must visit and log in with your account and password.

To send a link message, use the link button. You can highlight a piece of text. If you want to add images or text to your blog, use the ' Upload file ' option. If you want to edit content that has just been uploaded to your blog, select ' Manage posts ' in the Posting menu.

If you want to change the name and description of the blog site, use the ' Basic ' option. The ' Publishing ' option allows you to change the address on or switch from blogspot service to another web server.

The ' Formatting ' option helps you to change the content of the content posted on the blog.

By default, a store page will be created every month to save the last month's postings, which can be accessed from a link from the main page of the blog. To configure storage time can be accessed with the 'Archiving' menu.

With the ' Email ' section, you can send a message via email to a specific address each time you post content to your blog.

The ' Members ' section helps you add other blogspot members to your blog, allowing them to post information on the blog. To do this, first enter the email address of the person you want to invite. This person will receive an invitation letter. If they accept they can post or edit blog messages. You can also assign adminstrator access to members.

Change the template format

From this menu, you can change the look of the blog. If you know about HTML, this may not seem complicated. If not, you can use the format templates available online.

There are two main forms, text and graphics. Note that if you use the blogspot service, you should use text templates because images will not be transmitted to blogspot. You will have to transmit separate image files to the server because the blogger interface does not support this.

The blog services we introduced above also work similarly to, although the interface is different. You should consult how to build a blog then you can learn for yourself and choose a blog service that best suits your needs. A blog is a place where you can express your feelings, your status, so build it with a passion and emotion.

Additional tools for blogs

Blog is essentially a website, so there are many support features so you can create a blog full of personality. Most of these features are in HTML format and you can paste them into the weblog's code. You can find a lot, from the newsletter to allow people to comment on your message to update the weather forecast. Simple scripts used for websites, such as counter counts, can also be used on blogs. You can search on the Internet or refer to the following links:

Situations to note

Once you have created a blog and started using it, there are a few things you must keep in mind. People tend to use blogs to express their personal opinions, even 'confession'. It is a great thing for personal freedom, but it is worth mentioning that everyone can read all that content.

If you have things to defuse or want to ask other people about work or life, the best way is to use the blog anonymously. If not, like an unsolicited email sent, you may encounter unnecessary problems.

One of the topics most talked about by bloggers (blog users) is work. Be careful if your company has work-related regulations and job information. If you are not careful, you may fall into awkward situations.

Moreover, you may use anonymous blogs, but if you regularly post messages at work, the boss may gradually discover it. You use their computers, their properties and their time. And trouble will arise.

Introduce the blog to everyone

If you want to build a blog, you probably want more people to know and read it. There are several services that list blogs that you can use to promote your blog, such as:

The more compelling blog content, the better the opportunity to attract the interest of readers. However, the concept of 'appeal' seems very vague and therefore, we temporarily evaluate it through your enthusiasm and passion when updating your blog. You should allow readers to post comments on your blog and that will increase the number of visits (and also create more interesting debates or dialogs).

However, what you especially need is to join the blogging community. Visit other sites, read and comment. Introduce a link to your blog and invite people to visit.

Update 25 May 2019


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