Construction workers found the 600-year-old sword in Poland

Last month, a mining contractor worked in a peat swamp in southeastern Poland and when he stumbled on something strange, it was discovered that it was a rusty sword of the 14th century. started an archaeological expedition to the area in the hope of finding more artifacts from this period.

Last month, a miner worked in a peat swamp in southeastern Poland and when he stumbled on something strange, he discovered it was a rusty sword of the 14th century. started an archaeological expedition to the area in the hope of finding more artifacts from this period.

The sword itself is 1.21m long, weighs 1.5 kg, and is estimated to be 600 years old. The blade is almost completely intact, and only part of the sword is lost.

Picture 1 of Construction workers found the 600-year-old sword in Poland

The sword is now owned by Stanisław Staszic Museum, in the process of analyzing the sword. Among the discoveries that the museum has made so far on this sword shows that the sword has a small cross sign inside the portable shield or it may also be the signature of the blacksmith who made it. .

The icon can be seen in the image below, close to the middle of the handle:

Picture 2 of Construction workers found the 600-year-old sword in Poland

Archaeologists when studying the sword noticed that it did not have any damage that caused the owner to leave. Maybe this sword was dropped or lost when the owner brought it across the swamp, or fell off the boat if the swamp was a large lake in the 14th century.

In an extreme case, the knight may have sunk into the swamp with his sword, and museum archaeologists are conducting expeditions in the area in hopes of finding more evidence to support That hypothesis.

Update 24 May 2019


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