Conficker worm still silently grows

According to the Conficker worm team wrote on Trend Micro's security blog, the dangerous computer worm Conficker has many new variants.

According to information Conficker's team wrote on Trend Micro's security blog, Conficker's dangerous computer worm has many new variants and has spread rapidly over the past time and has not been extinguished completely, but tends to grow. up.

Conficker has infiltrated the computer system earlier this year and users have heard too much information about the speed of rapid spread, constantly appearing sophisticated new variants, and many harmful effects of this malicious computer worm . Many experts have warned that Conficker will attack global computer systems on April 1. However, that time has passed without any major incidents occurring. This seems to cause users to vanish the error of the danger of Conficker worm.

Picture 1 of Conficker worm still silently grows
But Conficker did not disappear completely. According to the Conficker Working Group, the number of IP addresses infected by the first two Conficker variants has been controlled but in fact this number has increased since the end of May (3.7 million on May 31 and up to June 29 is 5.1 million.

According to Trend, at least 1.2 million computers are infected with Conficker. Previously, the author of Conficker used them to spread fake antivirus programs and create ghost computer networks (infected computers) to help criminals make money on the Internet.

Therefore, in fact the risk of Conficker is still there and users should not be subjective with the type of worm is considered the most sophisticated in the past few years. Users can refer to how to prevent this type of sieve here .

Update 26 May 2019


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