Causes of vitamin C loss in vegetables

Improper processing and use will lose the amount of Vitamin C in vegetables

One of the main sources of Vitamin C daily is vegetables in meals. However, due to improper storage and processing, Vitamin C in vegetables has been more or less lost.

Improper processing and use will lose the amount of Vitamin C in vegetables

Fresh vegetables and fruits are the main source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is easily soluble in water and easily decomposed by oxygen (air), especially at high temperatures. Therefore, improper processing and use of vegetables will lose the amount of Vitamin C in vegetables.

Picture 1 of Causes of vitamin C loss in vegetables
Improper processing of vegetables will result in a loss of vitamin C in vegetables

 Causes of vitamin C loss in vegetables

How to prepare and use

Amount of Vitamin C Lost

Boiling vegetables too much or for too long Lose 50% or more
Vegetable storage time after 1 day 26% loss
Vegetable storage time after 2 days 41% loss
Wash vegetables 1% loss
Chop vegetables Loss 14%
Put vegetables in boiling water to boil 15% loss
Put vegetables in cold water to boil 42% loss
Boiled vegetables covered 15% loss
Boiled vegetables open the lid 32% loss
Boiled vegetables eat immediately 15% loss
Boiled vegetables after 1 hour 25% loss
After boiled vegetables, leave after 2 hours 34% loss
After boiling vegetables, leave after 3 hours 42% loss
Stir-fry vegetables for 1 hour 45% loss
Stir-fry vegetables for 2 hours 57% loss

Stir-fried vegetables lose more vitamin C than boiling because of simultaneous exposure to air and higher temperatures. 

How to limit the loss of Vitamin C in vegetables

Picture 2 of Causes of vitamin C loss in vegetables
Putting vegetables in boiling water to boil will limit the loss of vitamin C

  1. The best way to preserve vitamin C in vegetables is to wash vegetables before cutting them.
  2. When cooking vegetables in boiling water to boil and eat immediately after they are cooked, it will limit the loss of vitamin C in vegetables.
  3. Do not store vegetables for too long.
  4. Vegetables are cooked, should be used immediately.

See more articles Using vitamins properly

Update 08 May 2023


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