5 types of food should be washed and 5 foods should not be washed before processing

Let us refer to 5 types of foods to wash and 5 types of food that should not be washed before processing in the article below!
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From an early age, we were taught that we should wash everything before eating to keep it clean. However, very few of us know that sometimes this habit can cause more harm. Washing certain foods may inadvertently cause malnutrition or lead to the spread of some species of bacteria.

Today, we will tell you how to correctly prepare the pre-processed foods and mistakes we often make.Let us refer to 5 types of foods to wash and 5 types of food that should not be washed before processing below!

Food should not be washed

1. Eggs

5 types of food should be washed and 5 foods should not be washed before processing Picture 15 types of food should be washed and 5 foods should not be washed before processing Picture 1 © depositphotos

The egg is covered with a protective layer of mineral oil, which acts to close the air vents of the chicken eggs, preventing dirt and bacteria in the outside environment from entering the egg. If you wash, the water will lose this protection; so you should not wash eggs before boiling or processing.

2. Chicken

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Usually, housewives washed chicken before cooking. But raw chicken has a very dangerous type of salmonella .

Many people believe that washing chicken before cooking can help solve this problem. However, the truth is not so. If you wash chicken in the water accidentally, it will help the bacteria spread through your hands or kitchen sink.

Start cooking as soon as the chicken is cut so that the bacteria can be killed on fire. Or to ensure the most hygienic, heat through the first water and replace the two water to cook.

3. Pork meat

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Just like chicken, you should not wash pork, beef, veal, lamb so that bacteria do not spread to your sink and hands. In addition, you can remove bacteria by high temperatures.

Tip : Another way to remove bacteria is to use a clean towel to soak all the meat and boiled water through a pouring water. After that, use soap and clean water to wash your hands so that bacteria will no longer stick.

4. Pasta

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Do not wash pasta because you may accidentally strip off the natural starch in it. You should only wash pasta in case you want to use it as salad or sauté.

5. Mushrooms

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Mushrooms can be washed but do not soak in water for a long time. So when the fungus is finished washing, use a water-proof dry towel. This will make the mushroom more flavorful when cooked and the mushroom will retain its elasticity.

Food should be washed

Certain foods must be washed before processing to remove bacteria and impurities.

1. Vegetables and fruits have a thin crust

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If you see fruits and vegetables that are clean and smooth and smooth, it doesn't mean you don't need to wash them.But remember not to use soap . For peeled fruits and vegetables with tiny holes on the surface, you should avoid using cleaning agents for washing because chemicals can creep into food. Just dry them with a paper towel or towel after " washing cold water ".

2. Canned food

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Even canned foods need to be washed off by canned foods that are usually covered with dust, bacteria and some other things. If it is not washable, use a tissue to wipe or pour them into a glass to drink.

3. Vegetables and fruits with thick crust (not edible)

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Even if smooth skin fruits such as watermelon, citrus fruits need to be peeled, they must be washed so that bacteria do not get into the cut.

That's why you should wash bananas, watermelons and other vegetable fruits with an inedible crust before eating.

4. Beads

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You should wash seeds, even if they have been peeled. Because no one can know for sure where the production is and how they are transported. Besides, washing this food will help remove phytic acid contained in fresh seeds, which is used to protect seeds from parasites that can harm the human body.

5. Dried fruit

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This type of food is considered one of the dirtiest. This is especially true for dried fruits sold by weight. Even when buying prepackaged dried fruits, you must wash or even soak it for a few hours.

See more: 10 common mistakes when shopping make you spend more money

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