Billionaire Musk's SpaceX took on the job of destroying the ISS

On June 26, 2024, the US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced that a spacecraft belonging to billionaire Elon Musk's SpaceX group will destroy the International Space Station (ISS) when it stops operating in 2024. 2030.

Picture 1 of Billionaire Musk's SpaceX took on the job of destroying the ISS

SpaceX has been trusted by NASA to award a contract worth 843 million USD to build the spacecraft 'US Deorbit Vehicle'. This vehicle is designed to bring the ISS back into Earth's atmosphere after decommissioning.

According to NASA, when returning to Earth's atmosphere, many ISS modules and hardware are expected to burn and melt. Thicker and heat-resistant components left behind after a fire can fall into the ocean, and sink harmlessly to the bottom.

NASA said, the US Deorbit Vehicle needs to ensure safe and reliable departure from the ISS orbit in a controlled manner, avoiding risks to populated areas.

Since 2000, astronauts have lived and conducted scientific experiments on the ISS. The ISS is the size of a football field, has six bedrooms, two bathrooms, a gym and 360-degree observation windows.

But the ISS is 'aging' and there are microscopic leaks on the station. Every year, NASA has to spend 4 billion USD to operate the ISS. Therefore, the agency looks to privately built space stations as a lower-cost alternative to the ISS.

The ISS's operating life could be extended beyond 2030, but this has not been decided and requires agreement with international partner agencies.

Update 28 June 2024


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