Atacama, the driest desert in the world, suddenly turns into colorful flowers after the rain

After a rain, the Atacama desert was arid, the driest place on Earth became a sea of ​​colorful flowers that made many people astounded.

After a rain, the Atacama desert was arid, the driest place on Earth became a sea of ​​colorful flowers that made many people astounded. This rare and strange phenomenon is called florido (desert bloom).

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Atacama Desert in Chile is also called 'Mars on Earth' because even bacteria cannot survive here. This area is utilized by the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) as a simulation to conduct in-depth studies to learn about the conditions of life on Mars.

Picture 1 of Atacama, the driest desert in the world, suddenly turns into colorful flowers after the rain

But thanks to the heavy rains in mid-August, thousands of flowers bloomed and turned this desert from an empty land into a vibrant sea of ​​flowers.

According to the authorities, there are more than 200 different flower species that can be found in the desert. But the flowers here often die very quickly due to the harsh environment of the desert.

Picture 2 of Atacama, the driest desert in the world, suddenly turns into colorful flowers after the rain

This phenomenon occurs periodically at Atacama, from 5-7 years / time. But this desert blooming time is very special because it is only two years before the hatching (2015). The reason is that early this spring, Chile has heavy rainfall, this is the ideal condition for flowers to bloom a few years earlier than expected.

The phenomenon of desert blooms does not only happen in Atacama but takes place in all deserts with a large number of perennial flowers. Their seeds often lie dormant for months or years in the desert and are difficult to identify. Only when there is a large amount of rain pouring down the protective cover, the seed germinates.

Here are some pictures of the colorful Atacama desert after heavy rain:

Picture 3 of Atacama, the driest desert in the world, suddenly turns into colorful flowers after the rain

Picture 4 of Atacama, the driest desert in the world, suddenly turns into colorful flowers after the rain

Picture 5 of Atacama, the driest desert in the world, suddenly turns into colorful flowers after the rain

Picture 6 of Atacama, the driest desert in the world, suddenly turns into colorful flowers after the rain

Picture 7 of Atacama, the driest desert in the world, suddenly turns into colorful flowers after the rain

Picture 8 of Atacama, the driest desert in the world, suddenly turns into colorful flowers after the rain

Picture 9 of Atacama, the driest desert in the world, suddenly turns into colorful flowers after the rain

Picture 10 of Atacama, the driest desert in the world, suddenly turns into colorful flowers after the rain

Picture 11 of Atacama, the driest desert in the world, suddenly turns into colorful flowers after the rain

Update 24 May 2019


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