Astro - the most realistic robot dog today, can interact with humans

Astro is the first dog to have a 3D printed head imitating the Dobermann species, inside a computer brain.

Astro is the newest member of the pet family family developed by Florida Atlantic University. Unlike the looks of smart robot dogs that have appeared on the market like Sony Aibo, Boston Dynamics SpotMini, Astro has a rather lively look.

According to a Florida Atlantic University spokesperson, Astro is the first dog to have a 3D printed head imitating the Dobermann species, inside a computer brain. Adding heads, tails, eyes and ears makes the Astro look more lively.

Picture 1 of Astro - the most realistic robot dog today, can interact with humans
Astro's 3D printed head is modeled on the Dobermann species. Photo: Newatlas.

Astro has a built-in voice data set in which it can interact with people. Thanks to the Nvidia Jetson TX2 GPU, Astro can process information and then respond quickly.

Astro can move forward, stand up, sit down on the owner's command and can 'learn' new gestures and languages. This robot dog has the ability to identify many different people.

Picture 2 of Astro - the most realistic robot dog today, can interact with humans

Astro weighs 45 kg and doesn't need much care. In addition to being an indoor pet, Astro has a number of other special abilities such as detecting weapons, supporting search and rescue.

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Update 19 August 2019


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