Apple and Google 'shake hands'

Regarding technology copyright lawsuits between Apple and Google, in a latest move, these two giant technology firms have just reached an implicit agreement, agreeing to abandon ongoing lawsuits.

Regarding technology copyright lawsuits between Apple and Google, in one of the latest moves, these two giant technology firms have just reached a "tacit agreement", agreeing to waive ongoing lawsuits.

Picture 1 of Apple and Google 'shake hands'

Apple and Google have just begun to reconcile in the patent war

According to GSMArena , in a joint statement, Apple and Google agreed to ignore all current technology copyright lawsuits, and said " will agree to work together in some patent reform field ".

It is known that the copyright war between Apple and Google originated in 2010 when Motorola sued Apple for violating its 3G technology copyright and Apple did not give up when it filed a lawsuit against Motorola that violated some of the bright copyrights. software.

Shortly thereafter ( around August 2011 ), Google unexpectedly announced the acquisition of Motorola for $ 12.5 billion and held all of Motorola's copyrights and continued " following " technology copyright lawsuits. with Apple.

Then, in January 1, 2014, Google resold Motorola's mobile segment to Lenovo for $ 2.9 billion but is still responsible for nearly 20 copyright lawsuits with Apple.

However, Apple and Google have now found a common voice and temporarily abandoned the alleged technology piracy allegations. This settlement is considered similar to what Apple has done in recent years with rivals such as Nokia, HTC.

Update 25 May 2019


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