Addiction email: 5 signs you need help

Are you addicted to email? One study found signs and suggested ways to overcome this problem of email addiction.

Picture 1 of Addiction email: 5 signs you need help
Network Administration - When was the last time you checked your email? If you're like most Americans, the answer is about 15 minutes ago - not even at work. And if you bring a PDA in your pocket, your problem may be worse. Some doctors estimate that more than 11 million people have email habits that interfere with their numbers. Are you among them?

Establishing a close relationship with your inbox can consume all your time in real relationships - the real relationship is saying here is the relationship of friends, children or other relationships. , . using face-to-face communication.

However, we can still recognize a behavior called email addiction and fixing this behavior is not too difficult. First need to recognize the signs:

  1. You check your email more than once per hour.
  1. See all new notifications immediately when received, whether in the office or away from the office.
  1. Feeling that you need to respond immediately or within a few minutes when they arrive.
  1. Must stop personal and real work to resolve emails.
  1. In some cases, email has hindered your life - making you sleepless, having problems with relatives, stress or other influences.

If you still read this page and don't switch windows to check your mailbox, here are some tips to help you avoid becoming an electronic (or enslaved) addict:

  1. Remember that no email is urgent . Remind yourself that no email is urgent if you don't need to read it right away. If there is an unexpectedly urgent message, the sender will call or transfer the text or some other way to contact you.
  1. Create yourself a curfew . Force yourself as a grown-up boy (teenage). Provide a specific time period for not sending and reading notifications. If you do that, you'll find yourself thanking yourself after a year when your real number is back.
  1. Schedule emails . Set a specific number of times, during which you will handle the email, but you do not perform those tasks outside the other windows. It can be 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon and 10 minutes in the afternoon. Do so and you will see your day's work time being relaxed immediately.
  1. Set the days of 'say no to email '. A big stop receiving and sending emails can be a good time for you to be addicted. Once a week, changing habits can help you keep your perspective, both psychologically and biologically. 'Preventing response is the most useful thing,' said Robert Gore, a specialist psychologist, who explained, 'you don't do what you find compulsive. When people learn that, their brains will change biologically. ' If you can't cope with the whole day, try checking your email for 5 minutes on Saturday morning, then don't touch it anymore.
  1. Create yourself a holiday . When you're ready for a holiday, schedule yourself for a complete week that doesn't involve electronics. It is like what the doctor has given. 'I think most people in the world can enjoy a really free day completely separate from electronic media - also to somehow return to really natural things', Gore say that.

The last step may be more difficult than all, but it can make the world different in a positive way: Leave your Blackberry behind. Turn off your PDA when you get home, or at least disable instant email checking. Your announcements will wait and your life will not.

Update 25 May 2019


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